Author's Note (Please Read)

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Hello all! I'm super excited to be sharing this story, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it so far.

Just a heads up that this contains strong language, violence, and incidents that some people may find upsetting. Any hate towards certain groups in this work are not personal, nor are they my own opinions. They're simply there to tell part of the story.

Also, this is a rough draft. It's not the final copy, and there may be errors. That's why it's on this platform. You get to read it for free anyway. I'll still try to catch as many errors as I can before publishing each part, though.

This is fictional, so not everything is going to be accurate. (There's werewolves, so obviously, but that's not entirely what I'm referring to) Things that could happen in real life but don't actually happen, get to happen here. It's supposed to be something of a break from the real world, so I'm not intent on making it overly realistic. This has nothing to do with impatience or laziness when it comes to research... *coughs and chokes*

Anyways, the werewolves in this story might kinda work like your typical werewolves, or they may not. I'm just writing them how I want to write them. So if there's anything you notice that you think is wrong/not like your typical werewolves just... I don't know, ignore it I guess cause that's how it works here.

This is an LGBT+ novel, but you won't need a high spice tolerance. To anyone who's here for smut, that's not the main theme in this particular work. That doesn't mean there won't be any at all. There will be some spicy scenes, but they'll come quite a bit later in the story. But do be aware that the main character is um kinda dirty-minded. I'm sorry T-T

Before you read the next paragraph, please acknowledge this little disclaimer:

I'm not a huge fan of AI. Especially not in the creative departments. I understand it steals jobs, and the only reason I used it was because I wanted to see what my characters would like like in REAL life. So basically, I generated photorealism pictures of what my characters would look like based off of artwork I've done. (Most of them) So I draw my character, put it as an inspiration picture in my AI app, then edit the final changes that need to be made. I'm not going to show them all at once like a cast list, because I feel like it's just harder to remember everyone that way. (I know it would be for me) They'll just pop up whenever I think you should know what they look like as the story progresses.

Each chapter in this story ranges from anywhere between 1600 to 2000 words, so they're relatively short. Some may be a little longer than 2000, but not by much.

As of writing this, (Sept. 30, 2023) I have 15 chapters done already. Oct. 5, 2023 will be the official release date for the first chapter. From there on out, I intend to upload at least once a week. If I'm super enthusiastic or inspired, I may do a bit more :)

Finally, this story is a re-write. The first version was titled: What Lurks at Midnight and wasn't actually supposed to be LGBT+. I wrote it about three years ago and it was straight up cringe. And I uploaded it on here, but with a different account. So for the ever so slight chance that any of you have read the only four chapters I ever wrote before I took them down, and this sounds somewhat familiar, it's not because I stole it from someone else. It's just a do-over.

I think that's all for now. Happy Reading! :)

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