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"How's this supposed to work? I'm already winded and all we did was warm up." I complain.

"You need endurance training. For now, just walk around a bit until you've regained your stamina." Tyrone starts scrolling on his phone.

"Why aren't you walking around?" I ask.

"Because I'm not short of breath. Besides, I'm looking for some good music to dance to, stuff that's good for beginners. The best kind of music to do contemporary dance with is the kind that really makes you feel. Emotions and expressions are really important with this style. I know I've said that already, but it plays a role when choosing music to dance to. I'm gonna find something simple, then teach you some moves and choreography. The best part is, there's no right or wrong. It's you expressing yourself in whatever way feels right for you."

I nod my head as I keep walking.

"Won't it be easier for me to catch my breath if I'm not moving?" I question.

"Yeah, but it's good to keep moving after you work out. Especially since you're still going to be moving some more. You don't want to get a little stiff suddenly because you risk injury that way. Also, it's part of endurance training. If you don't push your limits, you don't go anywhere."

I guess he has a point.

"Okay, I've done choreography to this song before, so I'm going to teach some moves to you to start with. Just mimic my movement." Tyrone instructs me just as we're about to start. 

I don't know how capable I'll be of enacting this, but at least I'm not breathing heavy anymore.

I watch Tyrone closely and try to do everything he does. I'm nowhere near as graceful, but Tyrone takes it slow and gives me a lot of time to co-ordinate my body and grasp what he's teaching me.

"Did you look into the extra-curriculars?" Tyrone asks randomly.

"Yeah... well, not really. I got the paper, I just haven't read it. I forgot to."

"You forget a lot of things." Tyrone chuckles.

"I know. I can't help it, though."

"Not judging. It's alright." Tyrone does a graceful little spin and faces me.

"You want me to do that?" I ask. I know full well that spinning and I have a complicated relationship.

"I want you to try. Find a fixed spot that you want to look at. It helps you keep your focus and your balance."

I decide to look at him, then twirl my body in the same motion that he's just done.

And then I fall over backwards. 

Well, almost, because he catches me and sets me back on my feet.

"That wasn't so bad, Khai. And the more you do it, the better you'll get."

By the end of first period, or basically my dance lesson, I'm exhausted but happy. Even though I'm no good yet and need a lot of practice, this contemporary dance stuff is really fun. 

I can see why Tyrone does it.

When I walk into Mrs. Cunningham's' English class, almost everyone is there already, forcing me to take one of the front seats, the only empty ones in the room. 

Scarlette waves at me, and I send her a smile to let her know that I've seen and acknowledge her.

When the bell rings, the first thing Mrs. Cunninghams asks is if our poems are finished.

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