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***Tyrone's POV***

"Noooo Tyrone how dare you?!" Khai exclaims when I tell him I'm going home on Monday.

"I can't stay here forever." I explain.

"Yes you can..." Khai pouts.

"I can't." 

I don't know how to tell Khai what's going on with my mom, and I'm not sure I want to either. But she needs me, and I need to be around in order for that to happen. 

"I can always visit, Khai." I reassure him, trying to ignore the puppy-dog look in his eyes. "And there's still two more nights."

Khai looks down at the ground, and I try to think of a way to comfort him without staying longer.

"Well..." He starts at last. "If you change your mind... or need to get away for whatever reason, my house will be readily available."

"Thanks Khai. I appreciate it." I can hardly finish my sentence before Khai catches me off guard by throwing his arms around me.

There's literally no one else in the world who makes me feel as special as Khai does. And I can't believe someone would get attached to me of all people.

Again, it's cause he doesn't know who I really am, or what I've done... though he seemed completely undeterred by me after finding out I was arrested.

But for the first time in my life, I feel like I have the power to change. Thanks to Khai's little motivational speech when he was half-asleep... or whatever that was.

I don't really like being hopeful because it causes vulnerability. I'll be more susceptible to getting hurt. 

But right now, I don't care. I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing. All I know is that Khai's happiness is more important to me than some stupid trust issue shit I have going on.

Hopefully whatever optimistic feeling I'm going through right now will stick around for a bit. 

Even though there's still the stress of my mom being pregnant, it doesn't seem to bother me so much. Not right now, anyway. Maybe it will again later, but I'm not going to take what I have for granted. 

Besides, I don't want to be trapped forever. And now, in this moment, I feel brave enough to step outside. 

I know I won't be forever.

"I had a lot of fun over these last few days." Khai tells me, his voice muffled because his face is somewhat buried.

"Me too." I say sincerely.

Khai lets go and smiles up at me.

"I'm gonna miss you... my bedroom's going to be lonely..."

"Khai, it's not like I live three hours away. I can come over whenever, and easily, too."

"I know, but still..."

"I get it." I try to console him.

If anyone knows what lonely feels like, it's me.

"Khai... can you do me a favour?" I ask.

"Sure... what do you need?"

"Take care of Khaipire for me."

I don't want to bring my first ever stuffed animal into my own house. Just to be safe...

"You're not taking him home? But..."

"I want you to take of him. Just like you always take care of me. I trust you with him, more than with myself. I know he's safe with you."

Khai swallows and nods.

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