That Night

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A/N: We're going back in time I guess. I don't remember why I included this chapter, maybe it was so we could see things from Ricca's perspective and get better insight on what it's really like for her? Idk but basically this is the first night that Tyrone stayed over at Khai's house, before shit went down lol

TW: This chapter contains mentions and depictions of domestic violence and sexual abuse

***Ricca's POV*** 

I watch in devastation when I see Boris' vehicle as I pull up into the driveway.

He's back again.

Good thing Tyrone's not home right now. I don't know how Boris will be, but I never feel at ease when Tyrone's alone with him.

I might be lucky tonight, too, since I've agreed to pick up a night-shift.

And while I'm exhausted from working a full day shift, I badly need the money to provide for Tyrone. 

Aside from that, being away from home is being away from Boris.

I park my vehicle and step out, my heart beating wildly in my chest. Boris is so unpredictable and it scares me. There's never a moment I'm not uneasy around him.

More than anything, I wish Tyrone didn't have to live in this with me. It's sweet that he's so protective, but at the same time, it means he's too stubborn to leave my side. He's the most important person in the world to me, but he forces me to drag him down with me in all my mess.

When I open the door, the house reeks heavily of alcohol. Again.

I haven't missed that smell the few weeks Boris was away hanging out with other women, using the money I worked so hard to make in the hopes it would go to feeding Tyrone.

Yet he still misses lunches at school.

I sigh, then walk through the kitchen and seat myself at the table, weary.

It's okay. I can do this. I can work another eight hour shift. Even if it's more stressful than the garden center I've worked at during the day. Maybe they'll let me take home some food that they usually throw at the end of the day. That would be nice.

"Ricca, is that you, sweetheart?" I can hear from his voice that Boris is in the living room. 

And that he's drunk, which is no surprise really. Considering the fetid smell swirling throughout the house and that it's the usual. When is he not drunk?

Maybe when he's high on whatever else he takes.

"Yes, it's me." I say quietly. 

Boris doesn't sound angry right now, but I know how easily he can flip. 

It's sad to think it's rubbing off on Tyrone a little. The only difference is that I know Tyrone's actions are driven by his inner need to protect. I know he's a good person. I'm not so sure about Boris anymore. 

He's not like he used to be.

I startle when Boris suddenly ambles into the kitchen. He seats himself next to me, half-asleep and looking like a mess.

He rubs his face with a hand, then supports his head in it.

"I've missed you, baby." He drawls without even looking at me. 

I don't trust the veracity of his words. Why would he leave, then? He could always just not go.

I don't dare ask, however. I'm too stressed by the fact that anything I say could make him snap.

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