Photo Booth

10 4 17

"Noooo, I was going to say I'm good, or I'm okay, and then they just went in a blender and we came up with gay." I cough again. 

When I brave a glimpse at Tyrone, he's laughing. But like actually laughing.

I start laughing because he's laughing, but then I start choking for a second. 

Thankfully, I'm able to recover fairly quickly.

"See, this is the shit I'm talking about, Khai." Tyrone says, then laughs a little longer. "This is the second time that happened, isn't it?"

I nod, still feeling embarrassed.

"Well, your mom's not here yet. Do you wanna go do something else?"

I love how Tyrone always seems to change the topic or make it seem like nothing happened whenever I feel uncomfortable.

"Um..." I glance around, trying to spot something.

"It's been a great day, Khai. I've made some great memories. But it'd be nice to have some pictorial evidence. Do you wanna take some pictures at the photo booth?"

"Why didn't I think of that? That'd be awesome! I'd love to."

"Then we will do that. Maybe wipe your mouth first, though. You spilled some ketchup." Tyrone chuckles. "Or maybe it's blood, Khaipire."

I laugh, even though I feel more embarrassed now. Why do I have to be so messy?

I take a napkin and wipe my mouth, but Tyrone stops me after a few seconds.

"You're just making it worse, Khai." He smiles lightheartedly. "Here, let me help."

Noooo I'm gonna have gay panic all over again! Right when I thought it left...

Tyrone takes the napkin from me, focusing on wherever the stupid ketchup is. It kinda looks like he's staring at my lips and I can't help but feel something when I study him. He's so close to me right now...

"There, that's better." Tyrone leans back again, and just like that, the ethereal moment is over. 

I can't help but wonder if I'll ever be able be that close to him again. Physically, of course.

"Okay, you're presentable, now." Tyrone says with a little laugh.

We head over to the photo booth, which is conveniently empty for us. 

Tyrone opens the curtain for me to let me inside first. I smile back at him to thank him, but I don't realize that there's a slight ascension, and I trip on the somewhat raised platform, almost face planting into the back wall.

Tyrone laughs, amused once more.

"Fuck, Khai. How does that keep happening to you?"

"I don't know." I reply bitterly, not towards him.

"I wish it took a picture of that."

"Ty!" I exclaim.

Tyrone puts his hands up and chuckles.

"Sorry. Can't help it sometimes."

"What poses should we do?" I ask, hardly registering Tyrone's comment because that's just how my brain works.

Sometimes I forget people might be expecting a response. It's like I get so caught up with what I want to say that I forget what other people say. 

I just don't clue in to a lot of stuff.

"Uhh, whatever you want, Khai. We can do as many as you want, too. I've never done these before and I don't know when I'll do it again, so I'm going to take full advantage of it."

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