What Happened!?

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"I don't know, can you?" Tyrone chuckles and pulls back.


At least I don't have to stress about that anymore.

"I can't guarantee I'll answer it, though." Tyrone adds.

"Do you ever... I don't know... when I... so like... how does it... do you have it where..."

Tyrone watches me, amused but patient.

I groan in frustration and drop my forehead into my hands.

"It's okay, Khai. You'll get it." Tyrone encourages me.

"Do you ever feel-" I only get that far before Katy Perry's lyrics distract me.

A couple seconds later I realize I'm humming the tune of Firework.

I clear my throat.

"Sorry. Umm..."

Oh no.

What was I going to ask him!?

"Yeah so umm... I forget."

"It'll come back. Hopefully."

"Unless I forget that I even forgot something..."

"That... sounds like a very Khai-ish thing to happen."

I smile sheepishly.

"Either that, or it's gonna keep bugging me for way longer than it should." I pause. "Okay, it's back. I remember now."

Tyrone just shakes his head, a smile on his face.

"Go on, then."

"Do you ever like... get uncomfortable around me? Like weirded out?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... I don't know... I feel like people get uncomfortable if their friends sees them as more than just friends... like I mean because I have a crush on you and you just-"

"Khai, you can be assured that I would remove myself from an uncomfortable situation fairly quickly. You're fine."

"So you're not ever like... creeped out around me? From unwanted and uncalled for feelings? Not that I mean it that way, I just don't know how you take it."

"Khai, they're not unwanted. I already told you that I don't care. And I can't picture you as a creep, even if you say somewhat odd or questionable things sometimes. I mean, I guess nearly everyone has thoughts like that. You just accidentally say them aloud sometimes."

"Yep, sounds like me." I laugh in a timorous manner. 

The smile that commences from Tyrone is warm and friendly, and I feel comforted by this.

Tyrone yawns and stretches, but his face suddenly clouds in pain, and he recoils immediately, muttering a curse word under his breath.

My eyes widen in alarm, and I try to look into his face.

"Ty, are you okay?!"

He doesn't reply at first, too busy fighting whatever suffering has so suddenly befallen him.

"I'm fine." He manages, but it seems forced. 

I don't want to pry, and he probably doesn't want to talk to me, but my curiosity has been contained since I found him breaking down in that alley yesterday. 

And for me, that's a long time.

I can't help but feel frustrated.

"Tyrone, why won't you tell me the truth?"

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