Fire On Fire

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***Khai's POV***

The next morning, Tyrone is still not waiting by my door. I need to stop wishing he were.

Hopefully I'll make it to school without accidentally being body slammed by a random beefy male on the run from who knows what. 

Was that a dream or something? My brain is foggy and I can barely remember what's real and what's a dream right now.

When I enter the school building, I find my locker and head straight to math class. I rest my head on my desk, tired.

"If you sleep during my lesson, I will not forgive you for skipping my class last Friday." Miss Porter says from her desk, not bothering to look at me. 

How does she know I'm sleepy if she's staring at her computer screen? 

"I won't fall asleep." I tell her, even though I'm really just trying to reassure myself.

It must not have worked, because I awake with a start when the bell startles me out of my sleep. 

Shit! Now Miss. Porter won't forgive me. I haven't heard anything from her lesson.

I collect my supplies and stand up at the same time as Miss. Porter. 

She looks at me quizzically.

"Where are you going, Khai? Class only just started."

The heat of embarrassment rushes to my face, and with no ideas how to get out of this one, I accept that I've messed up big time and sit back down.

"That bell marked the start of class, not the end." I can see that Miss. Porter is trying not to chuckle.

Why do I have to keep on doing these stupid things? Can't I have one good day?

I don't dare glance around the room, even though I really want to see if Tyrone is present. Even if he's not, that doesn't mean he's not at school. 

But if he isn't, there's the slight chance that it's the reason he didn't accompany me to school.

I want to sink to the floor. I wish I could be a different person sometimes.

By lunch, I suddenly spot Tyrone in the cafeteria. 

But finally, I feel like I'm ready to leave him alone and give him the space he needs. If he wants to be around me, he'll come to me on his own accord.

***Tyrone's POV***

I must've really hurt his feelings. 

He's definitely mad at me, or he would've come to bother me by now. But instead, he seems to be avoiding me. 

I wish I could explain what happened. But maybe it's supposed to be like this. Maybe I'm not supposed to make connections. 

So much bad has happened in my life, and it's like when something good happens, it's immediately destroyed. It's like I'm not allowed to experience happiness. 

I suppose this is where I take the opportunity to break things off with him before either of us get too attached. Besides, I've already caused enough trouble in his life. He'll be happier if he doesn't have to worry about the drama I've put him through. 

It's healthier for him.

I really wish I didn't have to care about hurting his feelings. 

I wish I was a different person sometimes.

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