Chapter Forty Six- You owe me

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46. You owe me


"You still owe me a date," he said.

Giovanni, looking as handsome as ever, even with the distress in his eyes.

It is all your fault. My mind immediately scolded. It could not possibly be, of course there are several things that could make him look messy, handsomely messy, like work, maybe.

"Giovanni what are you doing here?" I asked still a bit stunned that he was physically in front of me. After all I did and said.

You are a mistake. Those words hit me like a train on full speed. I really said that to him. It felt unbelievable yet real at the same time.

"Emily," he breathed, stepping closer, his gaze locking onto mine. "I need to talk to you."

"Giovanni, I..." My voice faltered, the words stuck in my throat. I wanted to say so many things, but the fear of hurting him again held me back.

"Are you going to let me stand outside the door?," he asked. There was an amused expression in his face, maybe something else, but I had no strength to decipher it at the moment.

I sighed before saying "Come in," stepping away from the door to give him entrance.

"What are you really doing here, Giulia has moved out."

A frown settled on his face "I know," when he mumbled something in Italian, that I did not hear or understand.

"What did you say?" I asked, I was curious.

He doesn't respond, instead he walked over to the living room and sat on one of the couch.

I sighed making my way to the living room and sat on the couch furthest away from him.

"mia sorella è una bambina," he muttered.

"Huh?" I was confused, more Italian that I don't understand.

"I am giving you an answer. You asked what I said," he replied, his Italian accent a bit stronger than it used to be.

"Oh," I blinked, why did he not just respond in English? Why was he even here in the first place? My mind wondered again.

He stood up abruptly from the couch, and made quick stride towards me, before I could even react or think.

He knelt down, closing the distance between us, my heart was beating faster due to the close proximity between us. I should stand up, flee from here, but before I could react again, he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me.

The world around me faded as I melted into the kiss. It was soft at first, for a few seconds. But then it deepened, igniting a fire that coursed through my veins. I could feel the warmth of his body, the heat radiating from him as he pressed me against the couch, his hands sliding down to my waist.

"I've missed you," he whispered between kisses, each word igniting a spark of longing within me. "I can't let you go, Millie. Not like this."

I gasped, torn between the desire pulsing through me and the reality of our situation. "But—"

He placed a finger on my lips interrupting me. "You can pretend what we have isn't real, that it is a mistake, but it isn't for me. Emily I love you."

His lips found mine again, and I responded instinctively, craving the closeness more than I would have expected. My fingers tangled in his hair as I pulled him closer, losing myself in the moment. The kiss became more urgent, filled with a hunger that had somehow been building for weeks.

"Emily," he murmured, his breath warm against my skin as he pulled away slightly, searching my eyes for answers. "Tell me you feel this too. Tell me you want this."

"I do," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. "But Giulia—"

He stepped back, running a frustrated hand through his hair. "It doesn't matter!" He gritted.

"It does!" I argued "She is my best friend and she is your sister! " I fired

"I will not let my sister rob me of my happiness just because she is childish and she refuses to move on," he fired back.

"Move on?" I questioned, was it really that bad?

Giovanni sighed

I breathed, "She is not happy about this," I reasoned

"And you? You still think this is a mistake, even after that kiss we just shared?" He asked,

I froze up, unable to respond. "Gio, I—" I began, but the words would not form.

"Would you really be happy if I am gone and your relationship with Giulia is somehow mended?" He asked in a serious tone, he really sounded like he meant each and very words that came out of his mouth. What would he do if I say yes? Would my relationship with Giulia automatically get better? Would he really be out of my life forever?

Would you be happy? My mind reminded, Giovanni would be gone for good, would I truly want that?

"My sister is angry now, but she will not be angry forever, but you want me out of your life for good," he voiced in a pained tone "Fine," he lifted his hand in a surrender, then he adjusted his tie and began making his way to the door.

I ran after him, stopping him by his hand. "Are you really leaving, just like that. What of the date? You said I owe you," I rambled.

He stared at me with a confused expression on his face, I too was confused. "You are making no sense, you do not know what you want. I am imposing myself on you," he said.

"You are not," I responded in a whisper, but I know he heard me.

"Then, what do you truly want?"

There was a lengthy silence before I replied
"I want you— but I don't want Giulia to hate me, being with you would make her hate me more,".

"We can figure this out together you know," he said. I nodded.

Was I really agreeing with this? Am I giving myself the freedom to love this man in front of me.

"I want you," I voiced again, I truly want this, I want to love him. I took a step closer, my heart racing with anticipation, as I reached up to cup his face in my hands. His eyes never left mine, his gaze burning with a fierce intensity as I pulled my body up to cover the distance in our height.

My lips brushed against his, a gentle, tender touch that sent shivers down my spine. Giovanni's eyes fluttered closed, his breath catching in his throat as he responded to my kiss.

The kiss deepened, our lips moving together in a dance of passion and desire. I could feel the tension in his body, the restraint he was exercising as he held back, letting me take the lead.

Surprisingly I don't want him to hold back. I wanted to feel the full force of his passion, to be consumed by the ferocity of his desire for me.

I pressed my body against his, my fingers tangling in his hair as I pulled him closer. Giovanni's arms wrapped around me, his hands grasping my waist as he lifted me off the ground.

Our kiss grew more urgent, our tongues tangling together as we devoured each other. I could feel the heat radiating from his body, the warmth of his skin as our bodies pressed together.

As we kissed, Giovanni's hands roamed my body, his fingers tracing the curves of my waist, the swell of my hips, and the softness of my skin. I felt like I was melting into his touch, my body responding to the urgency of his caress.

Suddenly, he broke away, his chest heaving with exertion as he gazed at me with a burning intensity. "Emily," he whispered, his voice husky with desire. "I will not be able to stop myself, if we don't stop now."

"Then don't stop," I said confidently, not almost recognizing my own voice, I want this.

"Are you sure?" He asked, his eyes searching my mine for any opposition.

"Yes," I breathed.

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