Chapter Thirty Nine- I Want You

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39. I want you

"I want you"

"What did you say?" He asked, though of course he turns deaf right now.

"Huh, nothing," I responded quickly and successfully unwrapped myself from his embrace, when I was steadily on the ground. "I guess we should go back now," I added, and I didn't even wait for his response before I marched out of the house. My body still felt hot and my heart rate was still high, like it was reaching for the open endless sky.

"What are you doing?" Giovanni stops me just as I reached for the door handle of his car. He held my hand and spun me to face him. "Where are you going?" He asks.

"We are going home— I am going home," I pointed out the obvious.

"After that?" He looked at me with a confused expression on his face. "You said you wanted me."

So he had heard.

"I–I," I stuttered, unable to form any words.

"I just needed confirmation from you, I wanted to know if you were sure," he tilted his head to the side, he still looked confused and like he was trying to decipher a puzzle. I wasn't much of a puzzle. But really, he needed confirmation from me? I thought my actions were loud enough, we were practically devouring each other's lips on the bar counter. I immediately felt a shiver run down my spine as the images of what happened flooded into my mind like a truck on full speed. A wonderful shiver, if that was even possible.

"Oh, I thought you didn't hear me," I revealed.

"I heard you loud and clear," he swiftly said.

"Oh, okay..." I muttered as an awkward silence followed. His eyes were glued to mine and I'm certain that he was searching my soul.

I took a deep breath before saying, "It's getting late, Giulia would be wondering where I am at this very moment." I had to break the silence, at least it was with the truth. We had been gone for a while now, Giulia must already be back home and most likely wondering where I am. Just imagine if she discovers that I'm with her brother, on this very night, the same night where she risked her life to prove some sort of point.

"You are running away," he said confidently. I stared at him, completely dumbfounded. He was really expecting me to have sex with him on the counter. What the hell! A frown settled on my face, I think Giovanni's aim is to always infuriate and confuse me.

Who raised this man! I screamed internally.

"I'm not running away, maybe I'm not so eager to jump into bed with you like you expected me to!" I lashed out. "Was that why you brought me here? You put on a little show with Laura and make me think you are really a good guy?" I added in anger.

"I was not going to take you to my bed tonight," he said coldly, and somehow his words felt like a dagger driven straight into my heart. What the hell was his problem? What exactly does he want from me?

I held my breath, calming my nerves. He wants me to react, but I won't give him that satisfaction. After all, this might still be a game to him and I'm the foolish one letting him have his way with me.

"Fine. Can we go home now, there's clearly nothing to do here," I stiffly voiced out.

"I know what is going on in that beautiful brain of yours. You are jumping to conclusions," he said.

"Of course you can read my mind," I rolled my eyes as I folded my arms against my chest.

He steps closer to me and squats down so that his mouth was close to my ear, "I definitely want you on my bed, exploring every inch of your body, listening to your moans as I worship your gorgeous body," my body instantly lit on fire as his words reached and saturated my ears, then he instantly steps away.

I blinked in an attempt to regain myself. How can such little words affect me so much? "But it would be wrong, Millie. I think of you as more than a body for pleasure, whether you believe me or not. I would be delighted to take you out on a date."

"W-what?" My body immediately stiffened. This night was starting to play out like a dream. I silently pinched my arm in my attempt to test the reality before me.

By the third pinch, I finally accepted the truth. This was not a dream, and Giovanni had just asked me out on a date.

"Would you go on a date with me?" He voiced again, yet it felt surreal. A major part of me had never expected this to happen. I had imagined Giovanni was not the type of man to go with the proper way of getting familiar with someone. There have been no proper way since the day that we met.

"Are you playing with me right now?" I asked. You can't blame me for being doubtful right now.

"I'm not. I meant every word," he said. "I want to do this right for a change. My past actions have not entirely sat well with you."

"Uhm—" I stuttered, unable to form words in my mouth and also in my head for a moment. Then it clicked. "That would not be possible. Giulia would not allow that to happen."

"You care about what my sister thinks?" he asked.

I blinked. Was he seriously asking me that question right now? "Of course I do, she is my best friend. You have obviously witnessed her disdain for Laura. I do not want to be at the receiving end. The relationship I share with your sister means a lot to me."

"If my sister was not in the picture, would you have said yes?" He asked.

I took a deep breath before responding, "I don't know." I was totally confused, I had no idea what to feel or how to react at the moment. "I don't know how I truly feel about you, but Giulia is like a sister to me. I do not want to hurt her," I truthfully revealed.

"I will tell her the truth about us ," Giovanni blurted out. My eyes widened.

"Of course not!" I almost screamed. "You cannot do that, there is no us," I added. Was he seriously for real right now? Giulia was and is still jubilant that she didn't have to deal with Laura, who was in her own words 'a backstabbing bitch.' Now she would have to deal with another backstabbing bitch, and that would be me. I'm not so eager to claim that title, not now, not ever.

So let him go. My brain warned. It was the right thing to do, yet those warnings felt wrong.

"She doesn't have to know about the date," he voiced.

"How would that be possible?" I asked. Why was I even asking? I was encouraging him. I should shut it down. I should say no!

"Just say yes," he breathed.

No! My mind screamed, but the words that came out of my mouth were "Yes."

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