Chapter 2

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Aaliyah Thompson
12:28 pm

"Look at Drew's fine ass." My best friend, Destiny, says referring to her situationship. He's fine but he's also a hoe. I told her numerous times but she doesn't care. She tells me it's nothing serious but I know she likes him.

"Yeah, but look who he's talking to." I say pointing to Amanda. She's what you would consider a snow bunny and a cum bucket. Everybody done fucked her. But I mean shit men do it so why can't we?

"Like I said, he's not my man, he's just somebody to play with." She says looking away from them.

It looks like he's doing the playing


"Aaliyah, what yo fine ass doing tonight?" Jamal asks coming over to our table. He's a boy that's been tryna holla at me for a minute. He's cool and all but I'm not really looking for anything.


"I'm throwing a party tonight. Come." He says hiking his book bag on his shoulder.

"Only if Destiny can come."

"The whole schools invited." He says looking over at Destiny.

"Then why come ask her?" Destiny asks.

"I just wanted to be the one to tell her." He says walking away.

"Girl, why you don't talk to him. He fine. And he's actually a good guy."

He is fine and nice but I don't want nobody to tie me down. I want freedom to just be. I want to just worry about myself. A relationship would mean that I have to give parts of myself that I don't think I'm ready to give.

"You already know how I feel about that."


I walk into AP lit ready to be done for the day. I sit all the way in the back and pull out my notebook, Handmaiden's Tale and a pen and couple of highlighters.

"Can I borrow a pen?" Xavier asks, he's best friend's with Drew and ain't never got no damn utensil.

"You better give me my shit back, too." I threaten handing him a pen I don't care for.

I spot Noah in the front and admire how cute he looks today. He's wearing a Deathnote hoodie and black denim jeans. Some generic sneakers and carrying a blue book bag. He has chocolate brown hair and light brown eyes. Thin eyebrows, thicker than the average white persons lips and a cute little pert nose. And black gauges. He's tan like he's been out in the sun.

"There's a project due next week so pick a partner before you leave my class." Mr. Miller says at the end of class.

"Aaliyah, you wanna be partners?" Jamal asks.

"No, last time we were partners you ain't do shit." I say packing my things up and walking over to Noah.

"Wanna be partners?" I ask him looking down at him still in his seat.

"Yeah, sure." He says looking up at me.

We walk over to Mr. Miller's desk and tell him that we're partners. He hands us a slip of paper and tells us good luck.

"So, you wanna meet at mine or your-"

"'Liyah, why this nigga Drew playing with me?" Destiny asks interrupting Noah's question.

"I'll call you." I say to Noah and turn to walk with Destiny.

"Who was he?" Destiny asks.

"Noah Anderson, we've been going to school with him for 10 years now."

We all have known each other since we were in elementary or older. We don't live in a small town we just live in the same district.

"Oooohhh, well girl he is too cute." She says dragging me out the school building.


I realized too late that I didn't have Noah's number but I remembered where he worked.

"Hello?" I ask walking into the garage. Careful not to fuck up my all white sneakers.

"How can I help you?" An older white woman asks me at the front desk.

"I was wondering if Noah Anderson was at work today."

"Yes, he's just back there." She says pointing to a few cars over.

I look over and see a couple of guys talking and laughing with each other.

"Noah?" I ask once I reach an all red Toyota that he seems to be under.

He's slides out from underneath the car and looks up at me.

"Aaliyah! I'll be with you in a sec." He says wiping his hands and reaching for his shirt. I don't think he should ever put it back on. His gorgeous abs were on display for me to see.

"I realized, I didn't have your number." I say as I watch his shirt slide over his beautiful pecks and washboard abs.

"I figured as much. Let's talk outside." He says putting his hand on the small of my back. He guides me to the back door and out the door.

"You be working out?" I ask.

"Yeah, I go the the gym a couple days in the week." He says brushing it off.

"Well, you look gorgeous." I say looking at his stomach that the shirt is molded to.

"Thank you, so are you." He says blushing and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, I was thinking we'll start our project tomorrow and we'll do it at your house." I say.

"Gimme your phone." I say holding my hand out.

He fumbles around in his pocket and finally pulls out his phone. I use his face to unlock and put my number in.

"Here. I'll FaceTime you tonight to give you an exact time." I say and walk away.

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