Chapter 5

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Noah Anderson
11:56 am

"How come you're never in the cafeteria for lunch?" Aaliyah asks me when sees me in the hallway. She's probably on her way to lunch.

She noticed

"I help teachers grade some of the papers." I say closing my locker.

"You're a teacher's pet." She teases, her lips sparkling in the hallway light.

I feel the flush of my cheeks and the burning of tips of my ears.

"I guess you could say that." I say running my hands through my hair.

"No need to feel embarrassed, I think it's cute." She says walking away and I was going to go after to her but some dude starts walking beside her.

Probably a boyfriend


I'm meeting Evelyn at the movies. She wanted to go see the latest fast and furious movie.

I step out of my car and walk into AMC theater. I'm a little late. I buy me and her tickets and text her that I brought our tickets.

"Hey, Noah!" She says walking up to me after around 15 minutes. She looks okay in her green dress and converse.

"Hey, Evelyn. I brought the popcorn and slushee. We're in the 3rd theater." I say leading her to the movie.

After the movie we get in my car and drive to wherever she wants to go.

"So, how old are you?" She asks from the passenger seat.

"17, you?" I ask turning on the turn signal.

"Me too!" She exclaims.

I don't know what's she so happy about

"Where do you wanna go?" I ask stopping at a red light.

"Where were we going before you asked me?" She asks looking over at me.


"I was just driving around." I lie.

"Well we can just drive around until we see something we like." She says pulling out her phone and connecting it to the aux. She puts on country music which isn't that bad.

"Did you like the movie?" I ask glancing over at her. She's already looking at me. Which feels a little weird.

"Yeah, but it was really just like the others."

We settle into a little of an awkward silence. I find a diner called Stella's.

"Welcome to Stella's! I'm your waitress, Daphne. What would you like to drink?" A blonde lady says when she comes to our table.

We say what we want and she says she'll be back with our drinks.

"Sooo, what school do you go to?" She asks glancing up from the menu.

"Stone High."

"Oh, our football team, the Jaguars, have a game against you guys next week. Wanna go together?" She asks eagerly.

I would think she wouldn't like me by now

"Yeah, even though our teams are rivals."

"Well, the Jaguars suck anyway!" She exclaims.

After dinner, we take a little drive. She's an okay person to hang out with.

"So, I had a really good time tonight." She says once we get to her house.

"Yeah, me too."

She leans over to kiss me and I let her. It was a shy, quick peck. It felt weird, like I was kissing a friend.

"Thank you for a great night!" She yells getting out of the car. With her back turned I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. When she's inside I drive off.


It's been a week since I went out with Evelyn and she's been texting me nonstop. As I'm texting her back for the 60th time, I bump into someone.

"I'm sor-"

It's Aaliyah!

"Hi." She says smiling up at me.

She looks gorgeous. She has braids with pieces of curly hair sticking out of the braid. Her lips shining as usual. She's wearing a Tom & Jerry beige hoodie, burgundy sweatpants and burgundy and white dunks.

"Hey!" I yell and then wince.

"Cute. You going to the game this Friday?" She asks looking in her purse for something.

"Yeah." I say looking down at my phone.

"I was gonna say come watch me cheer but you're already-"

"No! I mean-that's why I was going in the first place." I stammer out.

"Oh, w-"

"Aaliyah!" Drew yells running down the hall to her.

"What, Drew?! Don't you see I'm talking to someone!" She says annoyed.

"Oh my bad, what's good, Noah!" Drew says turning to me and dapping me up. He turns back to Aaliyah and says, "Aaliyah, I already apologized for what I said at the party last week. Please, talk to Destiny for me-"

"No! You're toxic and an asshole. You're not good for my friend. If you want to be with her then be with her, if you don't DON'T. Simple. Otherwise, go fuck with Amanda." Aaliyah says walking away angry. I watch her walk away

"She has a nice ass, doesn't she?" He says elbowing my side.


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