Chapter 34

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Noah Anderson
1:03 pm
(A/N I definitely rushed Malinda's exit but I also didn't want to draw it out.)

"My mom isn't home right now. You want something to drink?" I ask Nathan.

I grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

"No, thanks. Hey, who's this guy?" Nathan says pointing to a photo of my dad when it was just my mom and him.

"My dad. Why?" I ask plopping down on the couch.

"This is going to sound crazy...this is the guy my Mom's been seeing since forever." He says pointing yo the picture of my dad.

"Can't be." I laugh awkwardly and put down my water.

"It is. I can prove it to you." He pulls out his phone.

I mean there's absolutely no way that my dad...

"Nathan! Is your mom's name Charlotte?"

"'d you know?"

"Your mom came here once. I met her. She's the woman my dad left my mother for."

"When was this?" He asks sitting up.

"A while back."

"I've known you're father all of my life. He's been a great influence on me..."

The father that he talks about isn't someone I know he's barely been around for majority of my life. He was never present and even when he was he barely said anything or asked about me.



"You've been staring and not saying anything. What's wrong?"

"Nothing...ummm we'll talk about this later." I say ushering him out of my house.

I go upstairs and grab my dad's iPad that he left here. I guess the password which was JNA17. (Jason, Nathan and Ashley and my age.) I go through his messages and social media and find nothing unusual until I went to his photos, the recently deleted folder. It's deleted screenshots between the two and them speaking in code about something. I scroll further down and see a pregnancy test.

I nearly drop the iPad when I hear the front door open and slam shut. I scramble with putting it back in its right place and rush out of the room.

"I'm homeee!!!!" Ashley yells.

I jog down the steps.

"Ashley, what are you coming here?" I ask hugging her.

"Surprise!" She yells showing me her hand and smiling hard.

I look and see a gigantic ring her on her finger.

"Whoa! When did this happen?" I say admiring and inspecting her ring.

"Last week! Where's mom ?" She asks walking up the stairs.

"At work, I think."

"Oh, well where's Aaliyah? Haven't seen her in forever? Miss her like crazy." She says walking into her room and plopping down her chairs

"You two talk everyday, how can you miss her?"

"You talk her everyday don't you miss her?" She asks raising her right eyebrow.

"Yeah, but it's different she's my girlfriend." I smile just thinking about her as my girlfriend.
"Anyway, I would think she'd be the first to know about your engagement. Congratulations by the way."

"Finally, was waiting for that. And yeah she was the first to know but only because she was in on it."

"She didn't tell me!" I hop up off the bed.

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