Chapter 11

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Aaliyah Thompson
4:35 pm

After we talked, we've been together everyday for the last week. It's as if nothing changed.

"Ohhh yeah whatever happened to her?" I ask kicking my legs back and forth on his bed.

"I did what you advised and talked to her. I told her how I felt and she cried. I felt bad, which was why I was feeling a little sad the next time you saw me."

"Woowwww! She cried. That's mad sad."

"Yeah and then she called and texted for a week straight." He says looking over at me.

"Let me give you cut." I say hoping up and going into my bag for the tools.

We go into the bathroom and I cut his hair and we talk some more. I really missed him.

"Finished!" I say kissing his cheek.

"I love it." He says running his hand through his hair.

"I know, this is gonna be your signature look from now on." I say looking at him through the mirror. We hold contact for a while and then I break it clearing my throat.

"Don't stop stalking me to 2 months and then I won't be without a barber." He say teasing me.

"You had some part to play in it too." I say, defending myself.

"I did, I guess you could say we were both to blame." He says sweeping up his hair.

"Noah- oh, hey!" Ashley, Noah's sister says when she busts into his room.

"Hi, I'm Aaliyah." I say smiling and taking her hand.

"Ashley. You're gorgeous!" She says shaking my hand.

"Thank you." I say smiling harder. I loved his family.

"What'd you want, Ashley?" Noah asks.

"Don't be rude Noah." I say looking over at him.

"You cut his hair again." She says looking at his hair in amazement.

"Yeah, you like?" I ask staring at his brown tresses.

"I love!" She says basically jump king up and down.

"What did you want, Ashley?" Noah asks annoyed.

"Oh! Lotion. You got any?" She asks, looking passed him, into the bathroom.

Noah Anderson
9:36 pm

After Aaliyah left, Ashley came busting into my room.

"You didn't tell me she was fucking gorgeous!" She says hoping on my bed.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, I want Aaliyah all to myself, the women in my family are obsessed with her.

"She's thick, dimples, piercings, gorgeous smile and she can cut hair plus I just know she's smart."

"Sounds like you gotta crush." I don't blame her. Who wouldn't?

"Yes, I totally have a girl crush on her! I'm going to tell Jeffrey about her!" And she dashes out of my room.

"My sister has a total girl crush on you. She thinks you're the most beautiful person walking." I say to Aaliyah.

"Awww, tell her I say thank you. She's so sweet. I think she's very beautiful too." She says touching her chest and smiling showing off her dimples.

"I'm not a messenger. You tell her that."

"Give me her number."

"I'll text it to you."

"It sounds like jealousy to me,Noah." She taunts.

"I'm not."

"You back talking to Noah and don't know how to act." Destiny whispers, walking into the library.

"Girl, goodbye. They ain't talking about shit over there. And you know who is back now." Aaliyah says snuggling into me.

"Hey, Noah." Destiny says, acknowledging me.

"Hey, Destiny." I say grading the last of my papers. I turn the paper around to show Destiny.

"Hell yeah! I gotta 95!" She yells.

"Shhhh!" Mrs.Falcon says.

"This old bitch always shushing me, let's go out for lunch." Destiny says looking from Aaliyah to me.

"Yeah." I say and look at Aaliyah.

"Alright then, we out." Aaliyah say and I grab me and Aaliyah's things.

After lunch we just decided to skip and drive around. Aaliyah and I eventually went to my house.

"They want you over for dinner, tonight." I tell Aaliyah.

"I could do tonight." She says pressing her feet into my legs.

We take a small nap and then it's dinner time. Aaliyah helps my mom set the table and dinner is served.

"So, Aaliyah, how was your thanksgiving?" My mom asks Aaliyah.

"Great! And yours?" She say smiling.

"Wonderful, though you were the topic of conversation." She says smiling back at her. Aaliyah's smile is contagious, especially with her dimples.

"Oh?" She says acting surprised.

"Yes, mom mentioned and then the haircut and we just had to meet you." My sister says cheerfully.

"Well, I'm glad to have met you all." Aaliyah's smile widens. The only person missing was my father.

"How'd you get to be hanging out with Noah?" My brother asks.

"Well, he was in the library studying for an exam in math. We had math after our AP lit class so I thought we could study together. After that I just kept noticing him and talking to him. Then we did a project for AP lit and we really started to connect."

"Oh, you're with him?" He asks, surprised.

"No, we're friends." I answer for her.

"Look at him. He's blushing!"

After dinner Aaliyah has to get home on time so she leaves and I go to my room. Logan comes into my room.

"She's beautiful. You fucking her?" He asks sitting in my chair.

"What the fuck?! You don't just come in my room and ask me something like that!"

"It's just a question, bro. Chill." He says not looking the least bit concerned.

"Like I said we're just friends." Though I wish we were more.


"She don't want you." I say, not sure if she does or not.

"She's great, isn't she?" Ashley says walking into my room.

"Can you both get out?!" I yell.

"Fine! I'll tell Aaliyah myself." My sister wouldn't let her leave this house without her number.

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