Chapter 13

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Noah Anderson
10:34 am

"Noah!" Malinda calls chasing me down the hall. I turn to look at her. She has blonde hair, she's skinny, and pretty. She's also in my history class and someone I started dating when me and Aaliyah weren't speaking to each other.

"Hey! Why didn't you let me know you were back?" I say giving her a kiss and hug. She was in Paris for thanksgiving break.

"I wanted it to be a surprise. Walk me to literature class?" She says looking up at me.

"Yeah." And we walk side by side.

"You sitting with me for lunch, right?" She asks once we reach her class.

"Of course!" I usually sit with her but she's been gone so I've been Aaliyah.

She gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks into her class.


"Hi, Noah." Jessie, one of Malinda's friends, say when sit down with them.

"What's up!"

"Noah, we seen you were sitting with the football and cheerleading team." Madison says looking at me.

"Is that a question?" Mal asks.

"Not really but he was all close to the Aaliyah girl. And I was wondering if you know her." Madison says.

"Yeah, that's my best friend." I say taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Best friend? You never told me about a best friend!" Mal practically squeals out.

"Well, she is. We had a little disagreement a couple of months back but we discussed it and we're back to being friends."

"Noah, what you doing over here?" Terrence ask dapping me up.

"Oh, this is my girlfriend, Malinda, Malinda this Terrence." I say introducing them.

"What's up, Malinda? Ay, Liyah know about this?" He asks whispering to me.

"No, but we're just friends it's not an issue." I say whispering back.

"Aight!" He says laughing and walking away.

"What was that all about?" Mal asks.

"Nothing." I say.

"No, it was something, he was whispering."

"He just wanted to ask me something." I say looking back at the table. Aaliyah doesn't seem to be there yet and neither does Destiny.

"Noah!" Mal yells.

"Yes?" I say turning to face her.

"I've been trying to get your-"

"Noah!" Aaliyah says coming up to me and hugging me. She smells so good. Like sunshine.

"Hey!" I say squeezing her tightly in my embrace.

"What you doing over here?" She asks looking around the table. 

She looks as beautiful as always. She has a pink and white sweatsuit and white crocs. Her hair is in butterfly locs which she has pinned up. Her lips shine in the dim cafeteria lights and so does her 2 nose piercings. The diamond studded earrings bring out how beautiful she looks.

I'm in awe of her.

"Noah?" Mal asks.

"This is my girlfriend, Mal, Mal this is my best friend, Aaliyah." I introduce.

"Nice to meet you." Aaliyah says smiling at Mal. Her smile lights my world.

"And you." Mal says.

"And this is Jessie and Madison."

"Nice to meet y'all." She says smiling at them.

Jessie responds, Madison does not.

"Okay well, I'll see you later, Noah." She says giving me one last hug and walking back to her table.

"I like her." Jessie says suddenly.


"Did you and Aaliyah fuck?" Mal asks once we're settled in her room. We could go her house most days we hang out because her parents are never home and she likes to do things with me. If you know what I mean. I told her my parents are hardly home either but she said she would rather be at home.

"What?! No." I laugh shaking my head. I've thingy about it. Plenty, plenty of times but I know my role. Best friend/friend.

"No, I think you did. You should've seen yourself. Hugging, staring at her. You were fawning over her!" She yells turning to look at me.

"No, I wasn't. You always get like this."

"Like what?!"


"I wouldn't get jealous if you didn't make it so easy! You let these girls talk to you, touch you, basically walk over you! You're my boyfriend!Mine! I won't let this happen, Noah! Just like I had to handle that Evelyn girl for you! Fix this, Noah!" She yells storming into the bathroom.

She always gets like this, no matter if the girl talked to me or I talked to her. She threaten Evelyn so bad that the girl blocked me. She was harassing me now she blocked me. I mean I'm grateful but I just know Mal is dangerous.

"You're right, Mal. I'll do better and fix this." I say walking into the bathroom and rubbing her shoulders.

"Thanks all I want, babe." She says kissing me. She pulls down my shorts along with my briefs and does what we usually do.


"I didn't know you had a girl!" Aaliyah says over the phone. After Mal finished me off, we hanged for a little and I came back home.

"I do!"

"She's pretty, you like her? No- does she treat you well?"

"Yes to both."

"I'm glad you found someone. I told you you would!"

"Yeah, you did."

"So, you introduced me as your best friend. You really think I am?"

"I know you are. You support me, always give excellent advice and you encourage me. You're my best friend."

"Awww, I feel so special." She says touching her chest.

"I'm glad. It means a lot to me. For a long time I have been in my own. Just by myself, nobody to talk to and nobody to hang with. So I just to thank you. From the bottom of my heart thank you."

"It's no need to thank me."

"Well I will anyway." I joke, looking at her.

She's the best the to ever happen to me.

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