Chapter 28

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Noah Anderson
7:33 pm

"Don't be nervous. My parents are cool people." Aaliyah says taking my hand and leading me to the door.

"I've never met anyone's parents. Especially the ones of someone I'm dating." I say clutching the flowers.

"You've never met Malinda's parents?" She asks stopping at the door.

"No, they were never really home. There was never a chance to meet them."

"Okay well you'll do great. It's just my dad and mom."

"Okay." My voice sounding a little small.

"Ready?" She asks giving me a kiss.

"Ready." I say feeling more sure of myself.

We walk through the door. I've been in her house plenty of times so it's really nothing new but I know to take off my shoes. I slip off my shoes by the door as Aaliyah does the same.

"Mom, Dad! We're here." Aaliyah says walking in the kitchen.

I take a deep breath and walk in behind her. I see her mother first who hugs Aaliyah affectionately. She's brown skin and I see she has the most features of Aaliyah in her face.

Next is her father. He has some of her features. Depending on which parent Aaliyah stands next to she'll look the most like.


"I'm not sure about you, Noah, but our family is tired of soul food from the holidays so I've made teriyaki chicken, white rice and broccoli. I hope you aren't allergic to anything." Her mom says as she pushes into her chair.

I pull out Aaliyah's and let her sit and then push her in and then sit myself.

"No, Mrs. Thompson, I'm not allergic to anything. It looks and smells delicious." I say maintaining eye contact.

She smiles a smile that reminds me of Aaliyah but without the dimples.

"Thank you. So, you have any siblings?" She asks.

"Yes, ma'am, 2. They're both in college." I say passing Aaliyah the chicken.

"I'm actually really close with his sister, Ashley."

"So you've met his parents then?" Her dad asks.

"Yes, months ago." Aaliyah says taking a bite of food.

"We just now meeting him?" He asks.

"We weren't dating at the time and I only met his mom because I was at his house for an English project."

"Anyway it doesn't matter because we're meeting him now." Mrs. Thompson says.

After dinner her dad pulls me to the side.

"You better treat my daughter right. She deserves the best and will get the best. You understand me?" He says looking me in my eye and griping my shoulder.

"Of course, sir. I believe she deserves the best as well." I say holding his stare.

"Good. Now, I won't ask if you and my daughter have been doing anything because I was young once. Just treat her right and be safe. I'm not ready to be a grandfather." He says finally cracking a smile.

"Of course, sir."

"You like sports?"

"No but I do like cars and I seen your..."

Aaliyah's dad and I hung out for a little and then they let us hang out in her room.

"What you and my dad was talking about?" She's asks climbing onto my chest.

"You and cars." I say kissing the top of her head.

"It wasn't awkward? He didn't make you feel uncomfortable?" She asks rubbing circles on my chest.

"No, your dad's pretty chill for a guy who looks extremely intimidating."

"Yeah, my dad's a sweetheart but he don't play about his family."


"Noah." I hear someone whisper.

I ignore it and turn over.

"Noah." It's louder this time but I don't want to wake up.

"Noah." This time they shake me.


"I need some help." My dad says.

I open my eyes to see his wild, red eyes. I jump back on my bed.

"Dad, you scared me!"

"Shhh!!!" He says pushing my face.

"What did you need help with?" I whisper.

"Just come." He says and I follow behind him.

I'm still a little groggy but by the time the cold air from outside hits me, I'm up. I see what he's struggling with, a desk.

"Dad, what are you doing with a desk?"

"Don't ask any questions just do." He says grabbing one end and I grab the other.

"It's heavy, Dad. What's in it?"

"Stuff." He doesn't elaborate.

Once it's in the bed of his truck he looks over at me.

"Thanks, go back to bed." He says getting in the car and driving away.

Where is he going at 4 in the morning?

After that weird interaction with my father I go back to bed.


Aaliyah's out with Destiny and I have nothing to do. So I decide to go the gym. I haven't been in a while.

I finish up my workout and head to my favorite smoothie. I order my usual and sit and wait.


I look up to see the guy who came in the shop and  few days ago.

"Nathan, right?"

"Yeah. I haven't seen you around here before." He says sitting next to me.

"I haven't been to the gym since December so that's probably why. I've been attached to my girlfriend."

"The girl at your job?"

"Yeah, that's my girlfriend."

My phone starts buzzing and it's her.

"This is her now. Excuse me." I say stepping away.

"Baby!" Liyah yells.

"Hey, baby."

"I missed you. I'm coming over. Meet me there?"

"Y'all are too obsessed with each other." Destiny says in the background.

"And is." Liyah says.

"I won't deny it." I add.

"So you'll meet me at yours?"


"Okay, later." She kisses the phone and waits for me to kiss it back and then hangs up.


I grab my smoothie and thank them. I walk back over to Nathan.

"Sorry about that."

"No problem. I've been there before."

"Been where?" I ask sipping my smoothie.

It tastes or maybe I'm just tripping.

"In love."

In love?

I am in love with Aaliyah Thompson. Then again I already knew that.

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