Chapter 17

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Aaliyah Thompson
8:56 am

"You better get yo ass out the house, lil girl!" My mom yells from downstairs.

I'm a little late for my time to leave to school, I woke up late. Noah and I spent the rest of Sunday together and then stayed on the phone all night just listening to each other breathe and do things.

I really do like him.

"Alright, Ma, love you." I say kissing her on the cheek and leaving.

"Love you, have a good day!" She yells after me.

I get in my Benz and call Noah connecting him to the car.

"Hey, baby!" I say cheesing at the phone.

"Hey, beautiful! I'm running a little late so I won't be there to walk you to first period." I can hear in the background some rustling.

"Me too, I'm still stopping to get breakfast, though. You want anything?" I ask pulling into McDonald's drive through.

"No, baby, I already ate."

"Hold on. Could I get 2 sausage McMuffins no egg, 2 hashbrowns and a large pineapple smoothie?"

"That's all?"


"Total is $13.50."

"Okay thank you."

I pay for my food and drive on to the store to get my sandwich for lunch, with chips a drink and snacks.

"When you pulling up?" I ask sipping on my smoothie. I dogged my McMuffins and now I'm waiting for Noah in my car.

"5 minutes, you can go in without me, you already missed first period."

"No, I want to see you and go in with you and plus I only have 4 classes now and after Christmas break it'll be 2."

"Okay, I'm pulling up now."

I down my smoothie and pop in some gum. I put more lip gloss on and throw my shoulder length butterfly locs in a half up half down. And wait to see Noah's car pull into the lot. When he steps out of his car I fling open my car door and practically run to him.

"Hi." I say breathlessly standing in front of him.

"Hi." He shyly looks down at me.

I make the first move and kiss him. I kiss him deeply. I run my hands under his shirt and down his back.

"Let's get to class." I say wrapping my left arm around his waist and he takes my purse and his bag and carries it.

By the time we get in the building it's halfway through second period so he walks me to my class.

"I'll see you at lunch." I say giving him a peck and taking my purse from him.

"Ms.Thompson you're late, give me your late pass and take a seat." Mr.C says.

"I know. Here you go." And take my seat in the back by Destiny.

"Girl, where you been?" Destiny whispers.

"I woke up late, want some?" I say offering my hash brown.

"No, you gotta snack though I'm hungry." She says rubbing her stomach.

I reach in my purse and pull out fruit snacks. I hand them to her.

"Aaliyah, you came in late and now you're disturbing my class. If you don't wanna learn that's fine but other kids do, so be quiet. And that includes you Destiny." Mr.C says.

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