Chapter 36

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Noah Anderson
8:30 am

Apparently Nathan killed some guy and my father hid his body in the dresser he had me carry into the back of his truck. And I had to testify in court against him so no charges would be brought up against me.

My father is truly an asshole and a dumbass.

"Aye, where yall going?" Terrence calls to us.

Aaliyah and I are walking ahead of the group into the building.

"Let's skip." Destiny says.

"Yall degenerates. My momma will whoop my ass if she finds out." X says.

"It's Friday, our short day. Plus, we're seniors she'll expect it. Let's go." Tiffany says tugging him back to his car.

"You wanna go? I know you're not really feeling up to hanging out." Aaliyah asks me looking up at me.

"Yeah, let's go. I don't want to be in class right now anyway."

We walk back to my car since I drove her here and follow Terrence.

"How's your brother taking all this? I know how Ashley is." She asks taking my hand and squeezing it.

"He hasn't said much. Not even to me. I feel like he doesn't like that I had to testify about the dresser thing."

"How could he blame you for that? I mean it was that or face some blame with the police."

"I don't know."

Sometimes anger can be irrational


"It's getting hot. I needa go summer shopping." Destiny says.

"Me too." Aaliyah says stroking the nape of my neck.

"Let's go together." Tiffany says.

"We ain't skip to hear yall tap about shopping." Terrence interrupts.

"Well, you don't have to listen. Get the fuck on." Destiny says.

"You ain't say nothing but a word. I wanna snack anyway." He says getting up from the slide and walking towards the store and Drew and Xavier follow.

"You don't wanna go with them?" Aaliyah softly asks.

"No." I squeeze her waist and lay my head back on her shoulder.

"I wonder when they gonna announce prom." Kat says.

"Me too. I'm hype as fuck for it." Tiff says.

I slowly drift off to sleep.

"Wake up, baby." I hear Aaliyah say gently.

"That nigga was knocked. We going to mine, my parents ain't home." Terrence says.

Once again we pile into cars and follow Terrence.


"Nigga, you got any weed in this bitch?" Drew asks.

"Of course I do. That's why we in this bitch." Terrence says.

"Tiff, roll up." X says.

"I hope you got some' eat after." Kat says.

"You okay?" Aaliyah asks gently.

"Yeah, I'm just tired and a little worried for my mom." I say fixing her hair.

"I'm sorry you're going through this-"

"These niggas always cupcaking. You could make us some food. I know one yall women know how to." Terrence interrupts.

"I could make us something." Destiny says standing up.

"That ass better know how to cook." Drew says.

"Nigga, you know I could cook. Just keep me in the rotation." Destiny says and walks into the kitchen.

We spent the rest of the day together.


"Noah." Charlotte says surprised with red eyes and tear streaked cheeks.

"Hi, I brung you ice cream." I say holding up a bag of ice cream.

"Thank you, I've been craving it. Come in." She says opening up the door wider. I walk in and close the door behind me.

"I saw that my dad brought you that and I figured-"

"Why are you here, Noah? Last time you were here you were yelling and the po-police were showing up asking about..." she lets the rest of the sentence hang in the air.

"Well I figured you need some company and you're going to have my brother or sister soon."

"Yes, but that's not a real reason, Noah." She says slamming down the ice cream.

"I don't want to hate you. Especially not my brother or sister's mother. I want there to be some sort of...relationship between us."

"I won't keep your sibling from you." She says putting away the tubs of ice cream I brought.

"Like I said, I thought you might like some company."

"Thank you, Noah." She says softly after awhile.


"Does she know what the gender is?" Aaliyah asks over the phone.

"No but she has an appointment coming up and I asked if I could come with." I say pulling back my covers.

"How does your mom feel about this?" She asks turning something onto her tv.

"She doesn't know. Nobody does besides my father, me and now you. That means no telling Ashley." I warn.

"Hey, we talk everyday. That'd be hard to hold back but I respect that it's her decision." Aaliyah says moving about in the bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask after she's been shuffling for a while.

"Tiring to cuddle Whitepaw."

"How is she?"

"Well behaved she's gotten way bigger since the last time you saw her." She says putting her in the camera.

"She really has. Hi." I coo to her.

She's grown double in size since I last saw her.

"Anyway, you have work tomorrow butttt I was thinking afterwards you could come over to mine. My parents are going to the family reunion. And since I'm still in school I can't go. They have 2 a year I'll go to the one in the summer. Anyway, I was thinking you could spend the week with me. I miss sleeping next to you."

"Yeah, I miss sleeping next to you. I like playing house."

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