Chapter 23

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Aaliyah Thompson
9:33 pm
Explicit warning
A/N I struggled writing this chapter for some reason but here yall go

"What you wearing?" Destiny asks me, posing in my mirror.

"I don't know. It's cold as fuck out there." I say, walking into my closet.

White Paw purrs and slides against me. I bend down to pet her. I have to give her more water before I go. I can't wait for her automatic drink and feeder arrive. I'm excited. I brought her a bed and scratching post and she still got way more stuff coming.

"We'll be from car to the door so you're not going to be cold for long."

"You're right but I still don't know what to wear. Help."

After about 30 minutes of contemplating we settled on a leather miniskirt, along with a sleeve v-neck and some black and white sneakers. We head out the door and into our Uber.

"Wassup, ya'll!" X yells, giving us a hug.

"This shit jumping!" Destiny says looking around.

"I don't even know half of these people!" He says, laughing.

Destiny and I leave to go and get some drinks.

"When Noah getting here?" Destiny asks, pouring some rum in our cups.

"When he gets off of work."

Noah has work today. He tired to get off but apparently it's one of their busiest days. So he'll get off and shower then head over here.

We walk over to a group of girls twerking and hype them up. Destiny joins in so I pull out my phone and record her.

"Ayyyy! Go bestie!" I hype up as I smack her ass.

I get too hype and jump in. Somebody tries to get behind me and at first I'm still dancing but then I remember I'm taken and hop up.

"Nope." I whisper and walk away with Destiny.

"What?!" She asks breathing hella hard.

"Girllla, I forgot I had a man for a second!" I laugh.

"It's fine. At least yo' ass got up! I probably would've still been shaking my ass!"

"My man need to get here already! You got some weed? I'm ready to smoke."

"Yeah, but I already smoked all the pre-rolled ones so we gotta roll up. Let's go outside." Destiny says. I take her hand and follow her outside.

"It feel good as fuck out here!" Destiny says, pulling out the crusher.

She crushes and then I put the weed in the papers then roll up. We roll up a few and we're about to head in when I see my man step out the car.

"I'll see you inside." She says and walks back in.

"Baby. you look goodt." I say, meeting him halfway. I reach up on my toes and kiss him.

"I missed you." He says after we part.

"Not possible." I say, tucking my cold hands in his back pants pockets.

"You cold?" He asks, pulling off his hoodie.

"Yeah, a little but lets stand out here for awhile." I say, putting on his hoodie.

"How's my daughter?"

"Our daughter. And she's good. I got some more stuff coming for her. I think you should have her sometimes." I say taking his hand so we could go inside.

"So, now we're doing shared custody?" He says, jokingly.

"Of course! She misses her daddy!" I laugh, taking his hoodie.

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