Chapter 37

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I nearly fell off my bed. "Im WHAT!?"

"Exactly what you heard. C'mon, start packing.", mom got a suitcase from the back of my closet. She began to remove hangers with clothing and stuff it in.

"Mom are you NUTS!? I can't just MOVE away from my problems! I-Im just a kid!", I grabbed mom's arm, trying to make her stop. She spun around and placed her hands on my shoulders, pushing me back a bit.

"Honey, its for your own good. For you and your brother--", mom quickly covered her mouth with her palm, as if words had just accidentally slipped from her throat.

"What did you say?", I gave her a wicked eye. "Everyone keeps talking about my twin 'brother' and im just curious to know who that might be. And im POSITIVE that you have something to do with this; don't you mother?"

She quickly zipped the suitcase, leaving my whole closet empty. My entire closet had been emptied into a small suitcase.

Mom grabs me by the arms and shoves me in the car, stuffing my suitcase in the back. I was too shocked that I became nearly paralyzed.


After about an hour later, I finally regenerated back to reality. The car was moving on a speedway, so there was no easy way to back down from this fight.

"Mom, you can't do this to me!", I whimpered. Tears filled me eye sockets and dripped down to my cheeks. How can she not trust me this way?

I felt like I was talking to myself when I had noticed that she wasn't the one driving, it was my aunt Marisa.

"Oh hello dear. Your mom left when you didn't notice. You kinda just, um, zoned out, if you know what I mean. Well, don't worry, I'll be with you on your trip to California. You'll meet PLENTY of new friends over there and you'll have more opportunities."

More opportunities? What? I was completely lost. I just had to get back home someway somehow.

"Marisa, you HAVE to get me home, like, right now.", I pleaded.

"Sorry cupcake but it's too late now.", as the car's wheels kept rolling, the airport was just around the corner. I wiped some tears away but new ones kept coming in.

"Before we get you in, we're going to have to get you to the doctor. Don't worry, it won't be long."

I never trusted aunt Marisa for anything. Since she's my only hope now, I might as well make the best of things, or whatever's left of it.


"Brynn Lee?", the nurse had called. I nervously walked away with her. This was the weirdest doctor's office I've ever seen. The walls were old and crusty, the beige paint was just about to peel off. The chairs were hard coal rocks, the receptionist desk was just a table with a giant boulder and some needles. The nurse didn't look pleasant either. She wore a regular nurse's uniform, which was perfectly normal, but had hair sticking from every end, like if she's been electrocuted more than a million times.

Once I got to the room, it looks as if she HAS been electrocuted more than a million times. There were tons of weird, fancy gadgets, a medical bed, and an odd looking doctor. He had a giant bag of needles that labeled "ANESTHESIA" at the side. The doctor laid me on the uncomfortable bed centered in the middle of the small room.

The nurse placed some kind of hat thing on my head, and a needle to my arm. I wasn't scared of needles, but of this one I was. All of a sudden, I began to feel really sleepy. My eyes just wouldn't stay open. As I fell into a deep sleep, I hear a faint voice in a distance.

"Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit. You'll feel as if nothing happened."

I feel a sharp shock come through my head and fill my whole body with electricity.

Suddenly, I didn't remember most of what had just happened.

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