Chapter 8

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"Hey Si-", my own mother walked in. She looked just as surprised as I did. By the time she had opened the door, I was already sitting on Simon's bed. "Hi mom.", I answered, panicked. "Oh, hey honey I was looking for you! So.. What were you guys doing in here??", mom asked being all suspicious. "NOTHING!", Simon and I yelled at the same time. Then we looked at each other and then back to mom. "Haha. Sure you were. Well Brynn, whenever you want just come back home okay?", mom began to laugh suspiciously and hysterically. Sometimes she can be... bipolar.

I looked at Simon, seeing if he felt just as awkward as I did. Then we both chuckled.


I woke up to smell a nice Saturday breeze. The sun was shining through my window. I got up and decided to wesr something comfy. I chose some shorts and a T-shirt. I got out some crocs and placed them on my bed. As I was brushing my teeth, mom called me over to the living room. I went downstairs and saw mom with the phone. "It's for you.", she said with a grin. I stared at her with a weird face and picked up the phone.


"Hey Brynn, it's Simon."

"Oh, hey." I haven't been in a relationship for a very long time so I was kinda new to this whole "Boyfriend , Girlfriend" thing.

"Im going to the park in a little bit. Wanna come?"

"Sure! What time?"

"In ten minutes. See you soon!"

The call ended. I could imagine him smiling and showing off the dimple he has on his right cheek. I blushed a little. I ran back upstairs and got dressed. Ten minutes later, Simon knocked on my door. I put on extra deodorant and went with him. Simon was wearing a white tank top and guy shorts.

I held Simon's hand on the way to the park. I felt protected around him. It took away all the negative thoughts I had about the dream I had a few nights before. We finally got to the park. There was a group of kids, looking like fourteen and fifteen years old, rapping and dancing. The youngest looking kid had a radio next to him and was controlling the music. They were having dance battles. "Hey, let's check that out.", I guess Simon saw it too. We walked over there and saw two of the guys dance. I was the only girl. The guys started whistling at me and I felt awkward. "Wooooh! Lookie ovah here fellas!", the leader of the gang said. "Two lil' LOVE BIRDS came to join the partayy!!" They sounded drunk but im guessing they were just naturally crazy.

"Hey, watch it!", I tried to sound tough, but I obviously failed. The crowd "ooooh"ed and my face started to heat up again. My face must be some kind of bomb or something 'cause it keeps getting hot.

The leader got up and walked up to me. I stood up straight and crossed my arms, waiting to see what he'd do next. "Brynn, what are you doing? We didn't come here to cause trouble.", Simon touched my shoulder and whispered in my ear. I ignored him and tilted my head, waiting. "Are you TRYIN' me?", he demanded. "I don't have to.", im the kind of person who doesn't give up and doesn't shut up when in a fight. "Fine. I challenge you to a DANCE OFF."

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