Chapter 23

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I jumped back, startled, and dropped my phone. I quickly turned my head to my sleeping parents. Phew! They were still asleep. I looked back down at the phone on the floor and slowly picked it up as if it was a dead rat.

My hand trembled as I placed the phone next to my ear. I heard the next message.

A boy was screaming and a girl was mumbling. I hear a loud sound and a thump.

I was getting extremely worried. I listened to the third voicemail.

Max's voice came through:

"Brynn! You have to come back soon! You were right, you were right about her, about everything! I don't have much time... Im hiding in a closet, running away from--"

The voicemail ended.

I saw the date that the calls were sent. It was a few hours ago. The back of my neck was moist with sweat. I couldn't just stay here doing nothing when my best friend is in major trouble! I had to get myself back to Max's house.


I shook my parents, opened the curtains, took away their pillows and blankets, but still nothing! They wouldn't wake up.

Gosh, what heavy sleepers! I replayed the voicemail on speaker and placed it in between them. When they heard the screaming, they instantly woke up with a gasp.

"Mom, dad! Thank goodness you're awake! Something terrible has happened to Max! We have to go to him right now!"

They both stared at the alarm clock. Mom rubbed her eyes and dad rubbed his ears.

"Honey, its nearly one in the morning! What do you want us to do?"

I played all the voicemails on speaker so they could hear.

My mothers eyes grew big with fright and dad scratched the back of his neck, probably sweating too.

"Do you believe me now?"

There was an awkward silence in the room. Finally, dad spoke up.

"Get in the car."

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