I'm the protector//shin soukoku//

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-fluff and angst?

-au-mori is atsushi father and akutagawa was assigned to protect atsushi at all cost.


(Take place after season 5)

Not canon reaction
Third person POV

Atsushi was mori son and mori wanted to make sure, he was protected at all cost and akutagawa was assigned to do that. Soon atsushi and akutagawa started to date and mori was okay with it.

No one in the agency know about it and they wouldn't even guess it so atsushi didn't have to worry about that.

Everyone was meeting up with each other after the battle, and atsushi was waiting for his boyfriend. "Atsushi?" Kyouka said, "what are you waiting for?" Kyouka asks, and atsushi just smiled as he looked at akutagawa.

Akutagawa looked really grumpy, and atsushi found it. "Aw..come here" atsushi said, as he opened his arm for his boyfriend and akutagawa immediately hug him.

"I'm okay.." Atsushi said, everyone was just confused, "and..don't worry..he won't do anything to you" atsushi said, akutagawa was basically lay his whole body weight on atsushi.

"But..I fail.." Akutagawa said, "no you didn't.." Atsushi said, "what happened?" Chuuya asked, as atsushi play his akutagawa hair. "The other are confused.." Atsushi said, as akutagawa let's go of atsushi.

"I'll explain everything.." Akutagawa said, atsushi look a bit surprised on that. "Atsushi is the son of the port mafia boss..mori and my job is to protect him at all cost.." Akutagawa explain and everyone look shocked.

Atsushi was a sweet, kind kid and he got a dad that is a pedophile. "Also! Me and akutagawa are dating!" Atsushi add as he hug his boyfriend, and everyone was just trying to process that.

"I'm happy..that you finally are with someone.." Gin said, she was happy for her brother. "How..the fuck?" Dazai said, "..how the fuck are you the son of the port mafia boss!?" Kunikida asked, and yosano looked concerned.

"Is mori even a good father?" Yosano asked, "mori is a decent father...I mean I got anything I wanted.." Atsushi said, "and...mori never did anything to me yosano.." Atsushi said, yosano slowly put her knives away.

"So that why akutagawa is always so protected of you.." Higuchi said, no one in the port mafia knew about atsushi being the son of the port mafia boss. Mori wanted it to be a secret for the safety of his son.

Sudden the devil himself walked over to them, "son" mori said, "akutagawa you did a great job protecting my son, thank you." Mori said, and everyone look surprised. Mori actually thank someone for once, and everyone wasn't expecting that.

"Look like everyone know" mori said, "they were going to know soon anyways" atsushi said, they were probably going to find out soon so it didn't really matter.

"I'm surprised...I mean atsushi is great person and..well boss..your not.." Tachihara said, mori just nodded. "I didn't really want my son to be like me..." Mori said, and that surprise everyone.

"That surprising.." Chuuya said, everyone found it surprise expected for atsushi and akutagawa. "Anyway I wanted to go home" atsushi said, everyone wants to go home so it wasn't a shocked.

"Wait..am I still in the agency..?" Atsushi suddenly asked, they knew about his secret so was he still allowed to be in the agency. The agency member look at fukuzawa and slowly fukuzawa walk up to atsushi.

"you're still allowed to be in the agency..it seems mori want you to be a good person.." Fukuzawa said, and atsushi was happy to hear that and he actually hugged the president.

Akutagawa was surprised about that but he was happy for his boyfriend. "Come on ryu! Let go!" Atsushi said as he grab his boyfriend and they walked away. "Mori want his son to be good...weird" dazai whispers to himself.

Akutagawa and atsushi were in a car as someone else drive it. Akutagawa was laying his head on atsushi lap as atsushi slowly play with his hair. "we're here sir.." The driver says, akutagawa got out first and then atsushi.

Both of them walk into there house and akutagawa immediately hug his boyfriend, and he starts to cry. "Ryu." Atsushi said, as he hug back. "I'm sorry..I didn't mean to hurt you." Akutagawa said, and atsushi just smiled.

"I didn't protect you.." Akutagawa said, "you did the best you could.." Atsushi said, akutagawa was still crying and holding on to atsushi. "How about we cuddle?" Atsushi asked and akutagawa nodded.

Atsushi slowly walked into the bedroom with the crying akutagawa and both of them lay down. Akutagawa immediately snuggles up to atsushi and basically hold onto him.

Atsushi slowly rubbed akutagawa back, and soon akutagawa has stop crying. "I'm sorry.." Akutagawa said, "you don't need to apologize..it normal to cry" atsushi said, akutagawa didn't say anything after that and soon fell asleep.

Atsushi was just smiled and soon felt asleep as well.

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