mute//atsushi angst//

480 25 13


-angst and fluff

Warning: abuse,

(😭i have no idea on how mute people react so THIS ALL MAY BE WRONG!! SORRY!!)

Not canon reaction
Third person POV

Atsushi grew up in an orphanage, and was hating by everyone for some reason. Atsushi where to get regularly beaten by the Headmasters because atsushi was apparently a problem child but actually wasn't. Atsushi used to scream each time, he was hurt but after s while, he didn't say anything at all.

Atsushi would just stare off into space as he gets beaten by the Headmaster. One day the agency was investigating the orphanage and found atsushi in a cage, atsushi was extremely malnourished but atsushi just stare at them. "Oh my god.." Kunikida said as he opened the cage and grabbed atsushi and atsushi didn't do anything.

Atsushi actually passed out and yosano immediately put him on fluids. "Poor kid.." Kunikida said as he sit down, yosano was check up on the kid and everyone was waiting for any news. "He still sleeping..but there many bruises, scars, and open wounds on him.." Yosano explain to everyon and the agency member look horrified.

"he will be out for a while.." Yosano said, and that was obvious so everyone went home and was worried for the kid the whole time. Yosano and fukuzawa stayed in the agency to make sure the kid was okay and in the morning when everyone walked into the agency, yosano looked very upset.

"The kid..won't talk at all..sometimes in traumatic experiences the person might go mute.." Yosano explain, everyone felt bad for atsushi because he deserved none of that. "it'll take time for the talk or to even trust us.." Yosano said, everyone just nodded. "For now..we should make sure he at least trust us.." Fukuzawa said and obviously everything agreed with him and yossno went to check on atsushi.

" name is yosano..I'm going to change your fluids okay?" yosano said softly too atsushi and atsushi just stare at her and didn't do anything. 'Poor kid..' Yosano thought to herself as she changed the fluids and decided to give atsushi a book to read. Atsushi look very confused because he was never giving a book but he did in fact read it.

"Look like he can read..i don't know about writing though.." Yosano said to the president and he just nod. "At least we know that.." Fukuzawa said, everyone was going to try their best to make atsushi trust them. Kenji gave atsushi a cow plushie and atsushi actually sleep with it. Ranpo gave atsushi candy because atsushi deserves all the candy in the whole wide world.

Atsushi didn't really understand why they were doing it for him but atsushi was actually happy. Everyone in the agency did their best to make atsushi trust them and one day something happened, Atsushi was looking at the cow plushie and yosano was checking her work. "..a-atsushi.." Atsushi suddenly say out loud and yosano look shocked. "Is that your name?" Yosano ask and atsushi nod, and yosano just smiled. "Thank you for telling me.." Yosano said and atsushi didn't say anything after that but it was progress.

Everyone in the agency was happy to hear that and atsushi mostly stay in yosano office but atsushi decided to walk into the main office. The agency member look confused and atsushi just watches them, and sometimes kenji play with atsushi hair and atsushi love it.

Atsushi walk out of yosano office and look around the main office but this time he didn't see kenji. Atsushi walk up to yosano and point to the cow plushie and then his hair, and yosano understood it. "Kenji is busy..he on a mission so I don't know when he be back.." Yosnao said and atsushi look a bit upset but didn't say anything.

Atsushi was sitting at the couch by the window and looked at kunikida. Kunikida was doing all the work and dazai wasn't doing anything and atsushi didn't find the fair at all. "Not f-fair.." Atsushi suddenly said as he pointed at dazai and then pointed at dazai paperwork. "Not fair?" Dazai ask and yosano understood. "Atsushi think it not fair that kunikida does all of your work and you do nothing.." Yosano said and atsushi immediately nodded in agreement. "So the work.." Yosano said and dazai just nodded and did his work for once and atsushi was happy about that.

Atsushi got used to the agency member but atsushi never knew fukuzawa because he was always busy and not good with emotions. "Who he?" Atsushi suddenly ask as he pointed at fukuzawa, "the president is the boss of the agency..he named is fukuzawa." Yosano explain and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi slowly walked up to fukuzawa and they stared at each other for good 2 minutes. Atsushi went on his tippy toes and try to pat fukuzawa head but couldn't reach until fukuzawa bent down a bit and atsushi could finally reach and patted his head.

Atsushi was happy so fukuzawa didn't mind and after a while atsushi got used to somewhat speaking. It been about nine years since atsushi say something so it was hard sometimes but atsushi got the hang of it. Everyone in the agency was proud of them and now atsushi has a home with the agency.

( idk how mute people react or anything so it probably all wrong to be honest)


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