love//shin soukoku//

535 14 7

-angst and fluff

Warning: suicide self-harm, Commenting on gaining weight?

Not canon reaction
Third person POV

Atsushi and akutagawa have been together for a while now and akutagawa know a bit about atsushi past and try his best to help his boyfriend. Atsushi never wanted to talk about his trauma because he didn't want to be a burden to the agency and the agency member didn't seem to notice he struggles a lot.

Dazai always love to make comments about anything and doesn't really give a care if he hurt someone's feelings. "you're getting chubby atsushi~" dazai said with a smirk and atsushi frozen in place. Once someone say something about himself, it never goes away and basically atsushi couldn't take it.

He started to cut his whole body and was crying the whole time, he did it. "Atsushi.." Akutagawa said in shocked, atsushi also looked surprised and started to cry more. "I'm sorry.." Atsushi said, as akutagawa hug him. "Why?" Akutagawa asked, atsushi didn't answer for few minutes

"dazai say I was getting chubby and I just keep hearing it.." Atsushi said, as he cried into akutagawa arm. Akutagawa looked absolutely horrified and angry, he couldn't believe it. 'How did the agency not notice this? Even the smart one!?' Akutagawa thought to himself as he just holds his boyfriend in his arms.

"it's going to be okay.." Akutagawa said slowly to his boyfriend, "let's get you bandaged up.." Akutagawa said, atsushi just nodded and he let akutagawa bandaged him up. "I'm sorry.." Atsushi said again, "no need to apologize.." Akutagawa said as he kisses atsushi forehead.

"I..don't want to go to work.." Atsushi said, akutagawa just nodded and held his boyfriend tight in his arms. "Don't worry..." Akutagawa said as he plays with atsushi soft hair. "Everything is going to be okay.." Akutagawa said, he voice was so soft and atsushi soon fell asleep in his arms.

The agency didn't know why atsushi didn't come to work, and everyone was worried especially kyouka. Dazai didn't seem to look worried and ranpo didn't use his ability yet. Akutagawa decided to visit the agency because he was so mad at them.

"Akutagawa?" Dazai said, he face turn serious and everyone was ready to fight but akutagawa didn't fight them. "I'm here..because atsushi won't be coming into work for a while.." Akutagawa said, everyone looks confused and kyouka was getting more worried. "Because apparently dazai has to make a comment about his weight.." Akutagawa said, everyone now look horrified.

"And because of that comment atsushi  harm himself.." Akutagawa said, kyouka look absolutely more horrified now. "And none of you noticed it..and atsushi have been struggling for months.." Akutagawa said, he looked very mad, and kyouka wanted to cry but she didn't yet.

"He okay now..?" Kyouka asked, and akutagawa nodded, "yes..he fine for now.." Akutagawa said, "why do you know this?" Dazai asked, everyone was wondering that too. "Because I'm his boyfriend.." Akutagawa said, everyone was surprised again. "Don't worry kyouka..I'll take great care of him." Akutagawa said as he walked out and leave the agency feeling guilt.

When akutagawa got back to his share house with atsushi, atsushi was still sleeping peacefully curled up into a ball. Akutagawa always found it adorable when atsushi curls up into a ball and sleeps. 'So adorable..' Akutagawa thought to himself as he sit right next to atsushi and didn't leave his side at all.

Atsushi woke up after a hour and saw his boyfriend reading a book. "Ryuu.." Atsushi said softly as he sit up, and akutagawa immediately put on the book. "How are you feeling?" Akutagawa asked, as atsushi snuggles up into akutagawa arm. "I feel better.." Atsushi answer, he felt a lot better after taking a nap.

"I told the agency that you won't be coming into work for a while and now they feel pretty guilty.." Akutagawa said, atsushi already kinda knew that akutagawa would do that. "Alright.." Atsushi said, he has a small smile on his face. "I love you so much.." Atsushi said, akutagawa has a small smile on his face and slowly play with atsushi soft hair again.

"I love you too.." Akutagawa said, atsushi surprisingly felt safe around akutagawa. "Don't you have work?" Atsushi asked and akutagawa nodded as a no. "Boss decide to give me a break..for two weeks.." Akutagawa said, it was actually really rare to get breaks in the port Mafia.

"That surprising.." Atsushi answer, it really was surprising and akutagawa completely agreed with his boyfriend. "I didn't try to argue to be honest..I'm happy to get a break.." Akutagawa said, atsushi understood that. Akutagawa and atsushi basically were now cuddling and stay like that for a while.

Suddenly atsushi yawn, "tired again?" Akutagawa asked, atsushi nodded. "I can't control when I'm part of me.." Atsushi said, he actually can't control it because he half tiger, he does have some cat or tiger features. Tiger actually sleep for 20 hours a day so atsushi sometimes sleeps more than the average human.

"Then go to sleep..I'll be right here.." Akutagawa said, as atsushi curls up to a ball again and falls asleep right on top of akutagawa chest. 'So adorable' akutagawa thought to himself, atsushi was always adorable when sleeping.

After many weeks and day, atsushi slowly got better and the agency basically apologized profusely to atsushi and dazai wasn't allowed to annoy atsushi anymore and everyone was okay with akutagawa and atsushi dating.

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