I'm blind//atsushi angst//

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-angst and fluff

-au-the Headmaster cut out atsushi eyes and atsushi became blind. Byakko can come out of atsushi body and can have a human form

Warning: abuse, torture

(🤷‍♀️i saw a fanfic about atsushi being blind and I got a idea!)

Not canon reaction
Third person POV

Atsushi was hating by the orphanage Headmaster and when atsushi accidentally killed shibusawa. Atsushi punishment was getting his eyes cut out of his body, and atsushi was in so much pain after that. No one cares for atsushi and was beaten each day by the Headmasters and he couldn't protect himself.

Atsushi saw nothing and byakko help him, when atsushi join the agency, he didn't tell them about him being blind because he didn't want to be fired or hated. Atsushi wears a blindfold so they don't see his eyes or the scar because he doesn't actually have his eyes anymore.

Atsushi couldn't do much so byakko help a lot and atsushi was grateful for that. Akutagawa accidentally found out atsushi being blind and akutagawa does his best to help him.

All those memories of atsushi past came back to him as the Headmaster is right in front of him. Atsushi felt anger, the port mafia and agency member were confused until suddenly they saw something appear out of nowhere. "..byakko?" Atsushi said as hold out his hand and byakko took it. "His ability?" Dazai said in shock, no one knew about his ability coming out and it having a human form.

Byakko was glaring at the Headmaster, and slowly byakko walked up to him and atsushi stayed silent. Akutagawa slowly walked up to atsushi and went to hold his hand, "what byakko doing?" Atsushi asked akutagawa, "..killing your Headmaster.." Akutagawa said and that was true and everyone didn't know what to say. "I figured as much, byakko was mad at the Headmaster for what he did.." Atsushi said with a small smile, and akutagawa just stand there.

"What did the Headmaster do?" Chuuya ask and atsushi didn't answer. 'Maybe I should tell them..' Atsushi thought to himself as he slowly takes off his blindfold with the help of akutagawa. Atsushi slowly turn around and everyone look horrified by what they saw, akutagawa didn't say anything at all. "The Headmaster decide to cut out my eyes for a punishment.." Atsushi explain and the Headmaster was already dead now and byakko was gone.

"Ah..I don't know what to say.." Tachihara said as kyouka run to hug atsushi. "I was scared to tell you all and akutagawa found out by accident." Atsushi said with a sad smile and akutagawa nodded in agreement. Kenji slowly walked up to atsushi but didn't hug him. "Can I hug you?" Kenji ask and atsushi nodded and kenji suddenly hug atsushi.

"So that why you wear a blindfold but how do the reports and stuff?" Kunikida ask, everyone was currently about that. "Byakko help me with it, byakko can control my body so byakko mostly does it.." Atsushi explain with a nervous smile on his face, suddenly atsushi was hug by chuuya. "I'm protecting you with all cost now.." Chuuya said as he plays with atsushi hair and atsushi just looked shocked.

"I'm so sorry atsushi.. we will definitely accommodate with your disability.." Fukuzawa said and atsushi look worried. "You shouldn't have to apologize..I mean I'm the one who didn't tell you guys about it.." Atsushi said, fukuzawa guilty guilty somehow because he didn't know about his employees disability and didn't know his needs.

And fukuzawa wasn't lying at all, and the agency member didn't mind atsushi being blind and help him a lot. "I can do the report!" Atsushi said and kunikida keep saying no to atsushi. "But kunikida! I want to be helpful!!" Atsushi said with a sad smile and kunikida look away for a minute. "Atsushi, you're already helpful enough." Kunikida said as he pat atsushi head and atsushi looked surprised. "Fine.." Atsushi finally says as he sit down by the window. "Atsushi..chuuya sent you a gift.." Kyouka said and atsushi look confused because atsushi blind, he won't be able to see the gift.

"It a braille books.." Kyouka said and atsushi was happy to hear that. "He didn't have too.." Atsushi said and kyouka just pat atsushi head. "Chuuya say, you're his favorite now.." Dazai said and atsushi was just surprised but was happy. 'I'm someone favorite! Byakko did you hear that!?' Atsushi thought to himself, byakko and atsushi share a mind together so byakko could hear atsushi thoughts and was happy for atsushi.

Atsushi was never the favorite, so atsushi was happy to finally be some favorite even if it someone from the port mafia. "I'm happy to be someone favorite.." Atsushi whispers to himself again but kyouka hear it and just smiled. Atsushi was obviously treated the same way but they were a bit softer with him now and ranpo would give his snacks to atsushi sometime.

Even the port mafia was a bit nicer too atsushi, the port mafia member respected atsushi because he still fights even if he's blind. " I don't need to be taken care of! Byakko take care of me!" Atsushi said to kyouka, kyouka basically take care of atsushi and atsushi feel bad because she's only a kid. "Atsushi I want to take care of you! You save me that day and I want to repay you!" Kyouka said and atsushi was just feeling guilty. "you're just a kid though, you don't have to take care of me..technically I should be taking care of you!" Atsushi said and the agency member just watched them argue because they didn't know what to do.

"What do we do?" Tanizaki ask and no one answers because no one knew what to do. "Kyouka! You should enjoy your childhood and not have to take care of me!" Atsushi said as he starts to shake kyouka and kyouka didn't back down at all. 'Byakko! What do I do!? I feel so guilty!!' Atsushi thought to himself, "tell her." Byakko said to atsushi and atsushi didn't know what to say.

After a while, kyouka was somewhat allowed to take care of atsushi but the other had to help.

(🤷‍♀️this was just random to be honest, half sleep writing this)

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