Chapter 1: 11th Grade

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Third Person's POV
It was 3:00am on a Monday morning and Marco was sleeping then suddenly Star comes in to Marco's room silently.

Star's POV
I am so exited because Marco was gonna give me a birthday surprise I wonder what it is.

Maybe a HUG

He is so cute when he sleeps. WAIT WHAT did I just say? I can't think like that Marco is my best friend that cares about me. I wouldn't want things to change.

Third Person's POV

Marco was starting to wake up. He then got his back off his bed and now was sitting. Star jumped out of nowhere

"Where's my Birthday Surprise?" asked Star.

Marco freaked out and jumped and fell off his bed.

"OMG Star!!!! People don't scare the living Hell out of people while they sleep." said Marco.

"I am sorry Marco. I am just so exited. What is my surprise?" asked Star.

"You will see." responded Marco.

.........Time Skip........

Star and Marco are heading to school.

Marco's POV

I can't believe today is the day that I tell Star how I fell about her. After her being approximately 2 years with us. I finaly got over Jackie in 10th Grade when she was my girlfriend, but then she cheated on me with Star's boyfriend, Oskar. Star was more devastated than me. It was her first crush and mine too. From that day on I promised myself that nobody would break Star's heart again. I have a perfect plan to tell her how I feel.

Third Person's POV

The whole day Marco was waiting for the bell to ring so he can tell Star how he feels. The bell rang and Marco dragged Star out the door. They left there stuff at home and then they went to the park.

Star's POV

I wonder why Marco is in such a hurry to go the park. I can't believe he still hasn't given me my surprise.

Third Person's POV

They went to the park and Marco set up a picnic on the grass. In the basket he had packed a lot of stuff he made that she liked. In a separate box he had a necklace with her name in gold.

Marco's POV

I am so nervous. I hope she feels the same way I do about her.

Third Person's POV

" Are you okay Marco, you seem kinda nervous." Star asked.

"I' m fine just thinking." Marco responded.

"What shall we do know?" Star asked.

"Here put this on." Marco said.

"Why?" Star asked.

"Just do it" Marco responded.

As Star put on the Blind Fold, Marco packed everything.

Star's POV

I don't know where Marco is taking me, but he wants it to be a surprise. Maybe this is my BIRTHDAY SURPRISE. I have been waiting for this the whole day. YAAAAAAY!!!!!!

Third Person's POV

Marco took Star to the roof of there house. Star took of the blind fold.

"Why are we at the roof of your house?" asked Star.

" I wanted to sh- show you something." shuttered Marco.

" Marco are you okay?" asked Star.

"Yes, I am Fine" Marco replied nervously.

Star looked at him and was not convinced. She taught he was hiding something. Marco told Star to look up at the sky.

" What are those points in the sky?" asked Star.

"Those are Stars." Marco replied.

They both looked up at the sky and were in total silence. Star laid back on the roof while Marco scooted over close to her. He was holding the box with the necklace.

Star's POV

OMG, Marco is really close I can feel myself blushing in front of him. I think I like Marco. I can't tell him what if he doesn't feel the same way.

Third Person's POV

As they were both in awkward silence, Marco spoke.

"Are you enjoying your Birthday?" asked Marco.

" Yeah" said Star.

Then Marco gave her the necklace.

" Happy Birthday, Star" said Marco.

Star opened her eyes and opened the box. She saw a gold necklace that said Star on it.

"Thank You Marco, I Love it" said Star as she hugged him with excitement.

Marco blushed and so did Star. Then they kept looking at the stars.

......Time Skip.......

Star put on the necklace that said her name on it and fell asleep on Marco's shoulder. It was 10:00pm and Marco carried Star bridle style to her room. He wished her a goodnight and left her a card. Star told him goodnight, but I don't think he heard it. Star grabbed the card and read it.

Star's POV
I can't believe Marco likes me. He wrote in the card that he will never let nobody hurt me because he loves me.

Third Person's POV

Star went to Marco's room and Marco woke up.

"Aren't you suppose to be sleeping?" asked Marco.

And then Star walked up to Marco and kissed him in the cheek. Marco stayed frozen and then kissed Star in the mouth. She returned the kiss. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck. After a few minutes Star pushed away Marco.

"We have school tomorrow. We should go to sleep." said Star as she  left Marco's room to go to her room.

Marco stayed frozen.

Marco's POV

I can't believe she likes me back, but what will my parents say?

Will her parents like me?

Do we keep it a secret?

Star's POV

I can't believe he kissed me, my first kiss. YAAAAAY!!!!!!! WAIT

What is gonna happen next will we keep it a secret?

Is he gonna say forget about it?

Will we still be friends or more then that?

Both POV's

What's gonna happen to our relationship?

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