Chapter 23: Practice

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Reader's POV
Star woke up and Marco was still sleeping. She tried to move without waking him, but failed. Marco then woke up and saw Star trying to move out. He then let go of her waist and she got out of her bed. Then she looked back and saw Marco with his eyes closed so she got her clothes and went to the bathroom. She then had forgotten her jeans so she went outside and got them. Marco then looked at Star wrapping her body with a towel.
"Star?" said Marco.
"Don't look at me" said Star as she ran into the bathroom.
Marco did as she said. Then she came out dressed and Marco still had his eyes closed trying not to look at Star.
"Are you dressed" asked Marco.
Star then leaned in and kissed him in the cheek.
"Yes. Thank you for not looking" said Star.
Star then remembered that they had to meet up with the club at the pool. So she changed into her swim suit. Then when Star came out Marco went in and changed into his swim suit. Then they both went to the pool and waited for the clubs to come. The boys club came in first and Marco went with them. Star then waited for the girls club. Then she saw Marco swimming back and forth threw the pool. They timed him. He was the second fastest. The first was the leader. Then the girls club came and Star went with them. They told all the new girls to swim threw the pool back and forth like Marco, but Star didn't swim well that she could not stick her head out side to side when she swam so she had to keep stopping and going. Then the leader stopped Star and began shouting at her and asking her in a high voice why she was stopping. Star tried to answer but could not because she was about to cry. Then Marco jumped into the pool and swam till he reached her. Then he blocked her from the leader and told the leader than she couldn't swim well so that's why she kept stopping. So the leader took Star in private away from the pool.
"Star do you need someone to teach you how to swim better" asked the leader.
"Yes, I wanted learn more techniques so I can be as good as Marco." said Star.
"Okay, later come after practice and I will teach you the basics."said the leader as she walked Star to the other girls and the timed all of them swimming.
Star was the fifth one. Marco then waited with Star until the practice was over. The leader told Star that Marco could not be there because he was a distraction. Star disagreed and let Marco stay. Then Star began to dive in the pool and the leader as well she then thought her the basics in swimming and timed Star. Star then improved her time by 2:00 minutes, but then when she was doing good she got a cramp and began to drown in the pool. Marco then reacted fast and jumped in. He reached Star and grabbed her up bridal style and got her out of the pool. She then began to spit out water coughing.
"Marco?" asked Star.
"Yeah. I am here Star." said Marco.
"What happen" asked Star.
Then suddenly the leader ran towards Star.
"Are you okay Star" asked the leader.
"Yeah I am fine" said Star as Marco placed her down.
"Star you got a cramp and began to drown" said Marco.
"What is a cramp" asked Star.
"It is when you can't move underwater because you been in the water to long." said Marco.
Then Star looked at the leader.
"How did I do" asked Star.
"You improved by 2:00 minutes" said the leader.
"Question. What is your name" asked Star.
"Ohh sorry I didn't introduce myself. I am Emily." said Emily.
"Emily how long have you been in college." asked Star.
"This is my second year in college." said Emily.
"Wanna be friends" asked Star.
"Sure" said Emily as she shock Star's hand.
"I am happy you are alright" said Emily.
"Anyway I have to go. My boyfriend is waiting for me outside." said Emily as she left.
"Why did you ask her to be your friend" asked Marco.
"Because she taught me how to swim without her having to do so."said Star.
"Let's go" said Star.

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