Chapter 35: Better

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Reader's POV
Marco has been in the hospital for three more days. Now the doctor took off Marco's cast.
" Okay Marco. Your able to leave today when ever your..." said the doctor.
" NOW!!!" interrupted Marco.
" Okay Marco we will get the paperwork ready for you" said the doctor as he went outside and to front desk.
" Yay Marco you can go home" said Star jumping up and down and hugging Marco.
" Star?" asked Marco.
" Yeah" said Star.
" Do you wanna go out later" asked Marco.
" Like on a date?" asked Star.
" Yeah. You don't have to if...." said Marco as he was interrupted by Star kissing him. Star broke the kiss.
" I would love to go" said Star.

.......Time Skip........

After Star and Marco left the hospital, they went to Marco's Parents house.
" Hi Mom and Dad" said Marco as he entered the house.
" Hey Marco. We need to tell you something very important" said Mrs. Diaz.
" What is it" asked Marco.
" In private" said Mrs. Diaz.
" You can tell Star can't you?" asked Marco.
" I was going upstairs anyway " said Star as she kissed Marco's cheek and went upstairs.
" Okay. What is it mom?" asked Marco.
" Since the accident, your motorcycle was destroyed and taken to the dump because it couldn't be fixed." said Mrs. Diaz.
" What's the problem?" asked Marco.
" Your can't drive any cars because your license was revoked" said Mrs. Diaz.
" WHAT WHY?!" asked Marco.
" Because you ran the red light and crashed a car. What were you doing that you weren't focused?" asked Mrs. Diaz.
Marco looked to see if Star was still on the stairs.
" I was thinking of Star" whispered Marco.
" So this is her fault" said Mrs. Diaz.
" No it's my fault. I wasn't focused at the moment. I'm sorry, but I need to be able to drive." said Marco.
" You can't Marco. I'm sorry but it's not in our hands." said Mrs. Diaz.
" But I wanted to take Star out how will I do that if I can't drive?" asked Marco.
" Well your dad can drive you and pick you up if you want." said Mrs. Diaz.
" No I will walk with Star" said Marco as he walked up the stairs.
When he reached his room he got thrown to the floor by Star hugging him.
" Woah" said Marco.
Star got up and so did Marco. Star dragged Marco inside his room. She sat on his bed.
" I'm sorry" said Star looking down.
" Sorry for what?" asked Marco as he sat next to her.
" Sorry that I caused your accident" mumbled Star.
" Star you didn't cause it. It was my fault." said Marco.
" But you were...." said Star.
" Star don't blame yourself. I was distracted not you." said Marco.
" But what if you would have di...." asked Star.
" DONT SAY THAT. I will never leave you before are wedding or after until we're both old." said Marco hugging Star.
" It could happen" said Star beginning to cry.
" Star I love you and I won't leave you. Your my world. I am the safe kid remember." said Marco.
" That was before now you are different." said Star.
" Star I am still me." said Marco.
" I know but...." said Star.
" Enough with the buts and the what ifs. I don't want you to worry." said Marco.
Star began to giggle.
" What?" asked Marco.
" You said buts" said Star began to laugh.
" Yeah Yeah." said Marco laughing with her.
"Okay so you were thinking of me huh" said Star playfully bumping Marco's shoulder.
Marco's eyes widened.

.......Time Skip.......

Marco and Star unpacked all there things.
" Hey Marco were are we going?" asked Star as they were walking.
" I don't know" said Marco sarcastically.
" Come on tell me please" said Star.
" Okay. We are going somewhere" said Marco.
" Thank you so much Captain Obvious" said Star.
" Okay we're almost here" said Marco.
" YAY!!!" said Star jumping up and down.
" Okay we're here" said Marco stopping in the middle of nowhere.
" Marco there is nothing here" said Star.
" Are you sure?" asked Marco.
" Yes. I looked everywhere all there is, is GRASS." said Star.
" Okay Mrs. Diaz...." said Marco.
"  I love the sound of that" interrupted Star.
" Okay as I was saying, you see nothing but I see is beauty all around and that is why I brought you here" said Marco.
" I don't understand" said Star.
" Okay all the beautiful things around us ,especially here, remind me of you" said Marco.
" Ohhh so the beauty around us symbolizes the love you have for me?" asked Star.
" Exactly Mrs. Diaz" said Marco.
" Okay Mr. Diaz" said Star.
The they both began to laugh and sat down on the plain grassy field. They both stared at there surrounding until Marco got a call.

Marco's call
" Hey Marco long time no see"
" Who is this?"
" While its your old friend"
" What old friend?"
" Maybe you might find out"
" What are you talking about?"
End of call

" Who was it?" asked Star.
" I don't know" said Marco.
" Maybe wrong caller" suggested Star.
" Yeah maybe" whispered Marco under his breath.

.........Time Skip.......

Marco and Star walked all the way back home and ate dinner with the Diaz family.
" We need to set some ground rules for you too" said Mr. Diaz.
" WHAT!?" said Marco and Star in unison.
" Yeah you too need boundaries." said Mrs. Diaz.
" What are these rules" asked Star.
" You can't sleep together...."
" WHAT!" said Marco.
" Mrs. Diaz not to offend but I can't sleep without him please don't do this" said Star.
" Sorry Star buts it's our house and it's under are rules." said Mr. Diaz.
" Second Rule, no staying out after 12:00am and last but not least YOU WILL NEVER GO OUT TO PARTIES" said Mrs. Diaz.
" Mom why the sudden rules" asked Marco.
" Because you are living under my house." said Mr. Diaz.
" What if we brake a rule?" asked Star.
" Well then you both will have to leave this house." said Mrs. Diaz.
" WHAT!!?!?!?" screamed Star and Marco at the same time.
" But what if we don't get caught breaking the rule?" asked Star.
" Then you stay happily ever after what so ever." said Mr. Diaz.
" Okay we will follow the rules." said Star and Marco going upstairs.
Marco then stopped in front of his room and looked at Star.
" Goodnight my princess" said Marco as he kissed Star's cheek and entered his room.
" Goodnight Safe kid" said Star as she entered her room.

Mr. and Mrs. Diaz POV
" I can't believe they actually listened" said Mr. Diaz
" Should we go tell them that it was a prank" said Mrs. Diaz.
" No let's see how long they can be with these rules" said Mr. Diaz.
" Isn't that kinda mean" asked Mrs. Diaz.
" No we are just testing them to see if they can actually obey these rules and along the way we will make it harder for them to see if they brake" said Mr. Diaz.
" What if we break there relationship?" asked Mrs. Diaz.
" We won't. They love each other too much" said Mr. Diaz as he cleaned the dishes.

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