Chapter 30: Romance

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Reader's POV
Marco woke up after he had fallen asleep last night with Star. Star was wrapped in his arms.
"Hey, my beautiful Star," said Marco, kissing Star's lips. Star then kissed back and Marco separated slowly.
"Good morning, my prince," said Star, looking into Marco's eyes.
"And you're my beautiful princess," said Marco.
Then Star began to blush.
"Why are you blushing?" asked Marco.
"No, I am not" said Star as she covered her cheeks.
"Yes, you are" said Marco.
"No," said Star, blushing more.
"Star, I love it when you blush because it makes you look adorable," said Marco removing her hands from her face.
"You do?" asked  Star.
"Yes, because I love everything about you," said Marco.
"I love you too," said Star, hugging Marco.
Marco and Star then ate breakfast.

..........Time Skip.......

Marco and Star went to a cafe because it was Sunday and there was no school.
"Star," asked Marco.
"Yeah," said Star.
"About the hotel thing..." said Marco, but was interrupted by Star.
"It's okay, Marco, if you don't want to do it anymore, it's fine," said Star, looking down to her feet.
"No, it's not that, it's that I was wondering when you would like to go," said Marco.
"I don't know why," asked Star.
"Because I need to set a date with the hotel people," said Marco nervously.
"Okay, but why are you so nervous about that?" asked Star.
"No reason," said Marco looking down.
"Okay," said Star.

Star's POV
I can't believe Marco lied to my face. Maybe he is nervous because he has something planned. Maybe he wants to go on our first date there. That would be awesome.

Marco's POV
OMG, that was close. Lucky I didn't blow Star's big surprise. I am so bad at lying. Probably she will ask me later and I need to keep my cool. I don't want anything to go wrong. I need to stay calm when she asks me and tell her that I meant every word even if I am lying to her. I don't want to hurt my Star. I hope she doesn't ask.

Reader's POV
"Well I guess we can go to the hotel next weekend if you want," said Star.
"Sure, that is perfect" said Marco.
"Okay," said Star.

.......Time Skip.......

Marco and Star after the cafe, went to see Emily and Brian.
"Hey, Emily," said Star, hugging her.
"Hey Star. What are you guys gonna do now" asked Emily.
"We were gonna hang out with you, but if your going somewhere we will go home" said Star.
"We were going to the movies wanna come" asked Emily.
"Sure" said Star jumping up and down.
Then Marco came next to Star with Brian.
"So were are we going" asked Marco.
"We are going to the movies" said Star.
"Okay" said Marco.

.........Time Skip......

Marco and Star went to the movies with Emily and Brian. In the movies Star snuggled into Marco's chest in the scariest part of the movie and Emily covered her face on Brian shoulder. Marco hugged Star when she snuggled into his warm chest. Brian passed his hand onto Emily's hair when she hid on her shoulder. Then the movie finished.
Then Marco went with Star and said bye to Emily and Brian.
"Where are we going" asked Star.
"We are going somewhere" said Marco.
"Somewhere isn't an answer" said Star.
"Now it is" said Marco.
Then Marco walked Star to the park.
"Okay Star here we are" said Marco.
"We're at the park. Why"asked Star.
"Because I want to show you something" said Marco.
"What" said Star.
"This" said Marco as he pointed to trees.
"What about them" asked Star.
"Look closer" said Marco.
Then Star looked Closer and saw a rope dangling from a tree.
"What is that" asked Star.
"Climb it to find out" said Marco.
Then Star climbed the rope that led to a tree house and saw lights and a radio.
Then Marco climbed behind her.
"Do you like it. It took a while to make but I finally finished it." said Marco.
"I love it. It's so private" said Star.
"That's not all we can see the whole city from this view" said Marco as he guided Star to the view.
"This is beautiful Marco" said Star as she wrapped her arms around Marco's neck.
"Do you like...." said Marco as he was interrupted by Star's lips against his.
Marco then kissed back. Then Star let slowly go.
"Yes" said Star.
Then Marco turned on the radio with a slow song. Marco then placed his hands on Star's waist and she placed her hands on his neck. Then Marco began dancing with Star. Then he dipped her and kissed her. Star then separated slowly.
"Marco" asked Star.
"Yeah" said Marco.
"Do you know how much I love you" said Star.
"Yes, but you can still say it" said Marco.
"I love you" said Star.
"I love you too Star" said Marco as he lifted her up and kept dancing.

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