Chspter 16: The Mother's Curse

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Reader's POV
Marco woke up and saw Star awake on her bed siting.
"What are you doing" asked Marco.
"Why would my mother do something like that" asked Star.
"Want to ask her" said Marco.
"But I can't leave the hospital until I am better" said Star.
Then a few minutes later the nurse came in and looked at Star's chart. "You can leave when your ready" said the nurse.
Marco then packed Star's stuff and left it at his house then he hold the blanket and cut a portal to Meuni. Star went with him and they arrived at the castle. Star saw her dad first.
"What is this" asked Star.
"What is that doing there? That was supposed to be in the dungeon with every other object that has a curse." said the king grabbing the blanket.
"What curse does it have" asked Star.
" This ones curse is that the person that sleeps with it wants to kill the one they love the most." said the King.
"I slept with it dad because mom gave it to me." said Star with anger.
"Who did you want to kill?" asked the King.
"I wanted to kill Marco" said Star.
"So now you know you truly love him." said the King trying to make the moment better.
"I always new that" said Star.
" Well you should talk to your mom" said the King.
Star then walked with Marco behind her and went to the Queen.
"How could you" said Star
" How could I what" said the Queen.
" You know you gave me that blanket so I could kill Marco." said Star with anger.
"Mom I love him. I want to spend my life with him. He makes me happy. He is a good guy. Why can't you see that" asked Star.
"I am marrying him if you like it or not" said Star.
"What if you kill him" said the Queen.
"I won't." said Star.
"Are you sure." said the Queen.
Star then looked at Marco and began to cry on her knees.
"I don't know. He always gets hurt around me. Maybe one day I will. I love him so much. I don't want anything to happen to him." said Star.
Marco then hugged Star.
"I promise you Star you will not hurt me." said Marco as he got up.
"You made your daughter do your dirty work and cry because she taught she was gonna kill me. What kind of mother does that?" said Marco.
"The kind that doesn't want her daughter to fall in love with the wrong guy." said the Queen as she grabbed a staff and pointed it to Marco.
Then Star got in front of Marco with tears.
"I won't let you hurt him. I love him and you can't change that." said Star.
Then the mother started running with the staff. Star then turned around and faced Marco.
"I love you Marco." said Star.
"I love you Star." said Marco as he leaned in and kissed her in the mouth.
The mother than stopped running as she watched them.
Star then let go of his lips slowly and began to cry on his chest. Marco then saw the mother.
"Star your mother stopped running" said Marco.
Star then looked behind her and saw her mother standing there looking at both of them.
"What mom?" asked Star.
"I can't believe he didn't run. He just stayed there with you at all times. Why?" asked the Queen.
"Because I love your daughter and I can't imagine a world without her. I rather die with her than have to live without her." said Marco as he looked at Star.
Then he kissed Star again on the lips. She then let go slowly.
"See mom he loves me too." said Star.
"Are you sure" asked the Queen.
"Why don't you find out" said Star.
Then the mother wrapped Marco with the blanket and told him to fall asleep. Marco fell asleep and then went after Star and wanted to kill her. The mother than ripped the blanket of Marco. Marco then woke up and noticed he was on top of Star with his hand around her neck.
"Sorry Star I didn't mean to..." said Marco as Star leaned in and kissed him he then wrapped his arms around her body. She then let go smoothly.
"You do love me" said Star as she looked at him.
"I told you I would risk my life for you like you would risk it for me" said Marco as he got up and helped Star.
"He does really care for you" said the Queen.
"I told you mom. Now will you stop trying to kill him. Please." said Star as she hold Marco's hand.
" Okay" said the Queen.
Star jumped with excitement and then hugged Marco. Marco then hugged her back. Then Star and Marco went to there home and said Bye to the Queen and King. Marco then tucked Star In her room and wished her a goodnight. Star then grabbed his hand before he left.
"Please stay for the night" said Star as she hold Marco's hand.
"Okay" said Marco.
Then Marco got in the bed and hugged Star to comfort her. Then Star fell asleep. Marco then fell asleep hearing Star breathing.

Authors note
Thank you guys so much for 1.k views on my first story I updated this part because of that if I get 1.50k views I will update faster but for now see you Saturday. Bye😃😃😃😃😃

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