Chapter 39: Whats wrong?

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Reader's POV
Marco woke up to see Star crying. She was still asleep. He hugged her tightly and kissed her head.
" Star I love you don't cry" whispered Marco in her ear.
Then she began to cry more. She wrapped her arms around his waist and cried.
" Star don't cry" said Marco.
Then Star woke up.
" Marco" cried Star.
" Yeah?" asked Marco.
" Is the wedding tomorrow?" questioned Star.
" Yes, but if you want I can change it" said Marco.
" No, I really want to marry you" said Star as she wiped her tears away.
" Star why were you crying?" asked Marco.
" I had the worst dream" said Star.
" It's okay Star" said Marco.
" I know" said Star.
" Hey you do know that we can't sleep in the same room tonight because it's tradition" said Marco.
" That didn't work out the last time if you remember" said Star.
" Yeah I know but at least we need to try" said Marco.
" I know" said Star.
Then Star got up and changed while Marco did the same. Then they both went downstairs to eat breakfast.

........Time Skip.......

After breakfast Star went to the park while Marco went to the mall. Then after the mall Marco went to the park to find Star.
" Star?" asked Marco.
He couldn't find her anywhere. He looked around until he sat on a bench.
Then he heard crying. He looked up and saw the tree house he had built.
He climbed up and saw Star sitting in the corner.
" Star are you okay?" asked Marco.
" No" said Star.
" What's wrong?" asked Marco.
" I am scared" said Star.
" Scared of what?" asked Marco.
" Of tomorrow. What if you say no, what if I say no, what if your parents disagree, and what if my parents disagree" said Star.
" Star I won't say no and my parents love you" said Marco.
" But what about my dad?" asked Star.
" He will be happy for you" said Marco.
" What if we are not ready for this commitment?"said Star.
" You never know unless you try and everyone gets nervous the day before there wedding" said Marco crouching down next to her.
" Are we ready to be married?" asked Star.
" I am ready if you are" said Marco grabbing Star's hand.
" I'm ready" said Star.
" Good because since we won't see each other until tomorrow I wanted to give you this" said Marco giving Star a neckless.
" No Marco I can't take it" said Star.
" Come on please do it for me" said Marco.
" Fine" said Star.
" It has a shooting Star and a hoodie to symbolize you and me" said Marco.
" When did you see this?" asked Star.
" Well I was going throughout the mall and I saw a girl wearing a shooting star pink sweater and it reminded me of you" said Marco.
"But how did you find one just like this?" asked Star.
" Well I asked the jewelry man to customize it for me and he did" said Marco.
" It's so beautiful thank you" said Star kissing Marco's cheek.
" My pleasure" said Marco.
Then Marco went to his house and Star stayed at Emily's house.

Author's Note
Hey guys sorry for the short chapter but this is the chapter before the last chapter. Next week I will post the last chapter and maybe start the sequel.

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