Chapter 27: Decisions

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Reader's POV
Marco and Star came out of the rooms they fell asleep in and looked at each other.
"Star" asked Marco.
"Marco" asked Star.
"Don't tell me" said Marco and Star.
"Okay" said Star and Marco.
Then Marco walked up to Star and kissed her on the lips. Star returned the kiss. After a couple of minutes Star slowly pushed away.
"I love you Marco and whatever you pick I will support it" said Star.
"Star I love you so much and what you pick I will be happy." said Marco looking into her shinny blue eyes.
"Breakfast" said the King.
Then Marco and Star walked down holding hands and ate eggs and bread.
"Star" asked Marco.
"Yeah" said Star.
"Do you want to stay with your dad" asked Marco.
"Yes and No" said Star looking down.
"Why" asked Marco.
"Yes because I miss my home and want to be with my dad but no because my mom had thought me something and it was to follow your heart. My heart belongs to you Marco. I love you." said Star with tears of joy coming down her cheek.
"Don't cry Star" said Marco as he wipped her tears.
"It's okay Marco I am happy that I love you but I don't know what to do." said Star.
"I don't know what to do either" said Marco.
"Maybe we should think about it together" said Star.
"I agree" said Marco leaning in and giving Star a kiss on the cheek.
"WOW I have never seen that and I am grossed out" said the King looking at Marco and Star.
"DAD" said Star.
"Sorry it's the truth. I will just give you a moment alone." said the King walking away.
"No dad you don't have too" said Star but her father had already eft the room.
Then Marco leaned in and kissed Star on the lips and Star kissed back. Then Star suddenly pushed him away.
"We have to decide" said Star.
"Okay" said Marco as he got up from his seat.
Star then got up and went to her room with Marco following behind her.
"Okay. So what do you wanna do" asked Star.
"I want to be with my parents but at the same time be here with you" said Marco.
"Well if you want your parents could come here. We have many separate beds." said Star.
"Okay but how about education and jobs" said Marco.
"Well since I will be the future Queen I could make a law that people have to study and get jobs" said Star.
"You would do that for me" asked Marco.
"Yeah. I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay with me, but if I can't do anything to make you stay then you may leave" said Star looking down.
"Star I want to stay with you" said Marco.
"Really" asked Star.
"Really" said Marco.
"YEAH"said Star jumping up and down and hugging Marco.
"I knew you would say that" said Marco.
"Marco" asked Star.
"Yeah" said Marco.
"Do you still love me" asked Star.
"Yes why would you ask that" said Marco.
"Because if I am going to be Queen I want you to be my King." said Star.
"Well about that" said Marco.
"What" said Star.
"Well your gonna hate me but" said Marco.
"WHAT TELL ME" said Star.
"I can't be King because your dad is and until he dies I can't be King" said Marco looking down.
"WHAT!!!!!!?!?!?" said Star.
"I thought you knew I guess you didn't" said Marco.
"My dad didn't tell me" said Star.
"Sorry about" said Marco until he was interrupted by Star.
"It means what" asked Marco.
"Really I can't" said Marco.
"No Sorry." said Star crying.
"Don't cry Star" said Marco.
"I can't be with you Marco. I am sorry but you have to go back to earth and I have to stay here and be Queen." said Star crying more.
Marco then wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a hug. She then began to cry in his shoulder.
"I love you Star with all my heart" said Marco.
"I love you too Marco" said Star crying more in his shoulder.

Authors Note
I left you in shock didn't I sorry you guys might actually hate me but the name of this story is Starco Forever After so let see what happens.
By the way I wont update this weekend so this is my uupdate Enjoy.

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