Chapter 18: Help!!!!

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Reader's POV
Marco woke up and got ready for school. Then Star woke up and got ready for school. They went down stairs and Mr. and Mrs. Diaz made them breakfast.
"The Principle called and said that all graduates don't have school all this week until graduation when they have to come." said Mrs. Diaz.
"Okay" said Marco and Star.
After they ate breakfast, Marco asked Star if they wanted to go to the beach.
"Yeah" said Star.
Then he started his motorcycle and went with her to the beach. He then laid a grill on the sand, chairs and an umbrella. He then put on his swimsuit and waited for Star. Star then came out with her swimsuit.
"WOW, you look so pretty" said Marco blushing.
Star then came and gave him a hug and a kiss in the cheek. The beach was empty and they were the only ones because it was a school day. Marco then got in the water and Star followed.
Marco then went under the water with googles. Star kept looking for him, but could not find him. He then came out behind her and scared her. She then pushed him in the water. He then splashed her with water. Then they were doing a war. They kept wetting each other until Star fell in the water. Marco then dived in and got her up.
"Are you okay Star" asked Marco.
"Yeah I am fine. I don't know what happen." said Star then got pulled under the water again. Marco then dived in again. He saw she was falling down deeper and deeper. Marco then swam faster and saw that she had her eyes closed and was still falling. He then grabbed her around her waist and pulled her to shore. She wasn't breathing. Marco then pumped her chest three times, but she still didn't wake up. Then he pumped air into her lungs and pumped her chest. She then spit water out of her mouth and woke up.
"Star! Thank God your okay" said Marco as he looked at her.
"Salt water does not taste good"said Star.
"Star you can't swim" said Marco.
"That explains why I kept falling in every time you let go of me." said Star.
Then Marco was relieved to see Star laughing.
He then got a towel and wrapped it around her body. He then comfort her.
"Are you okay Star" asked Marco.
"Yeah I was just scarred" said Star.
"Thank you for saving me twice." said Star as she hugged him.
Marco then grilled up some burgers.
"What do you want your with Star" asked Marco.
"Just cheese" said Star.
"Okay" said Marco.
Then they both ate hamburgers and drank soda.
"I want you to teach me how to swim." said Star.
"I can try but I don't promise that you will learn. Let's just say I am a very bad teacher." said Marco.
"I rather learn with you than a total stranger." said Star.
Marco blushed.
Then Marco went into the water. Star still was scarred so she didn't enter.
"Come on Star. Your not gonna drown. I am here." said Marco as he extended his hand.
Then Star came in grabbing Marco's hand. Then Marco dragged Star to the deep side. Star was nervous so she stuck really close to Marco's body as she wrapped her arms around him.
"Don't let me drown" said Star.
"Never" said Marco.
Marco then put Star a pair of googles and told her to hold her breath. She did so. The Marco wrapped his arm around her waist and dragged her down. She then closed her eyes but no water got in because she had googles. She then opened her eyes and was amazed by the view. Then Marco pushed her up so she can breath. He then came out. Star the wrapped her hands around his neck as she felt like she was falling in.
"It's okay Star" said Marco.
Star then saw that it was turning night.
"Let's go home, Marco. It is getting late." said Star still holding on to Marco.
"Okay"said Marco.
Then Marco swam to shore forgetting that Star could not swim.
"Marco Help!!!!" said Star as she began to sink in the water.
"Coming Star" said Marco as he dived back in and grabbed her. She then wrapped her arms around his neck in fear.
"Sorry Star. I forgot" said Marco as he hugged Star.
She still was holding on to him and was now terrified. He then hugged her tighter and took her to shore where he wrapped a blanket around her and snuggled her.
After they dried of Marco packed everything and got on his motorcycle. Then when they arrived to there home. Star kissed Marco on the cheek.
"Thank you for saving me" said Star.
"Your welcome" said Marco.
Then he took down the stuff and went to Star's room. He then saw Star on her bed.
"Star are you okay" asked Marco.
"Yeah I am fine" said Star.
Then Marco hugged Star and tucked her in to bed. He then kissed her on the forehead and wished her a goodnight like he does every night. He then went to his room and fell asleep.

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