Chapter 40: Wedding Day

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Star's POV
I got up and I went downstairs to eat breakfast with Emily.
" So how are things with Brian?" I asked.
" There good. He went to help Marco with his tux and everything" said Emily.
" So that's why he isn't here"
" Yeah. Are you nervous for today?" asked Emily.
" Yeah a little"
" It will be okay" said Emily.
" I hope so" I murmured.
" What?" asked Emily.
" Nothing" I said.

Marco's POV
Brian came by nighttime and helped me out because I couldn't sleep. Now I woke up and am ready for today. My parents were still asleep.
" Hey Marco." said Brian.
" Yeah?" I asked.
" How did you propose to Star?" asked Brian.
" Well I got on one knee and asked her but she said no. So then I asked her at her parents house which they almost killed me and she said yes. Then we wanted to hide it from everyone in our school so I fake asked her in Graduation"
" Wow, but when she said no, how did you feel?" asked Brian.
" I felt bad at the same time nervous, but why the sudden questions?" I asked.
" Because I want to propose to Emily on your wedding" said Brian showing me the ring.
" Yeah dude you should go for it. I don't think she would turn you down" I said assuring him.
" Really?" he asked.
" Positive"
" So I can ask her on your wedding?" asked Brian.
" Absolutely, but your gonna have to tell Star" I said.
" Yeah I will" said Brian.

Brian's POV (first time POV)
Okay I left Marco's house while he got ready and went to Emily's house. I entered and Emily was wearing a light blue long dress. She looked so beautiful in it.
" Hey you look so nice" I said with sweaty palms.
" Yeah you too" she said in the most wonderful voice I have ever heard.
" Hey where is Star?"
" She is up stairs getting ready" said Emily.
" Okay I am gonna see here"
Then I walked up the steps while Emily entered the kitchen. I knocked on the door and Star said to come in. I opened the door and Star was wearing a long white dress that was puffy with pink butterflies around the bottom.
" Wow"
" Is it to much?" she asked.
" No he will love it" I said assuring her.
I then sat on the bed.
" Star could I ask Emily to marry me on your wedding?" I asked.
She turned around and hugged me. I looked surprised but hugged her back.
" It's about time" she told me stepping back.
" So I can do it on your wedding?" I asked again.
" Sure but did you tell Marco?" she asked.
" Yeah. He was happy for me too" I said feeling a little relieved
" Yeah who wouldn't be" said Star jumping up and down like she usually does.
" I am gonna ask her before the wedding starts"
" Yeah you should. Anyway I have to get ready so leave and go help Marco" Star said as she kicked me out.
Then I walked downstairs and Emily was there.
" See you at the wedding" I said to her as I kissed her cheek and left her house.

Star's POV
It was now 30 minutes before the wedding. I was feeling like I was gonna puke.
" I feel like I am going to puke while I am walking toward Marco."
" Don't worry you won't" said Emily doing my hair.
" Are you done?" I asked her a little impatient.
" So you want bad or great?" she asked me.
" Great"
" Then be patient" she said as she placed a purple butterfly pin on my hair.
" Done" she said.
I got up and walked to a full body mirror.  I stared at my appearance and then turned around to her and gave her a hug.
" Thank you" I said.
" Your welcome" she said.
" Am I interrupting?" asked my dad as he entered the room.
" No" I said.
" You look so beautiful. Your mother would have been so proud of you." said my dad with a tear falling from his eye.
" Thank you daddy" I said and hugged him.
" It's time" said Emily behind me.
" Okay" I said then I grabbed my dads arm.
" I will be outside" said Emily.
I followed her with my dad and saw Brian waiting for her in front of her house.
" Brian? What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be with Marco?" asked Emily.
" Yeah, but I wanted to do something. Emily Winston, will you make me a very happy man and marry me?" asked Brian as he got on one knee and took out a red box with a diamond ring on it.
Emily began to cry and I was looking at her happy.
" Yes, Yes I will" said Emily hugging Brian.
" You asked!" I said jumping.
" You knew?" asked Emily.
" Duh, I am your friend"
" Who else knew?" asked Emily.
" Will tell you in the limo" said Brian.
" Limo?" I asked.
" I blew didn't I?" asked Brian.
" Yes you did" said Emily.
" Blew what?" I asked.
" We will see" my dad said.
" Tell me!" I said angrier.
" We can't" said Emily.
" Why not" I asked.
" Because it was a surprise" said Brian.
" Fine" I said as I walked with my dad to the front part of the house.
" Go get the car" said Emily.
Then Brian left. Then a limo parked in the front part of the house.
" Are we riding on this?" I asked.
" Surprise! This is a limo" said Emily.
" Seriously" I said jumping up and down.
" Yeah" said Brian witch put the limo window down.
" Cool" I said as I got in the limo with my dad while Emily sat in the front passenger seat.
I was really nervous when we were getting close to the hotel.
" Are you okay?" asked Emily.
" Yeah" I said.
" Where here" said Brian as the limo stopped and Emily got down.
Then my dad opened his door and got down. I stayed in there for a while until Brian opened the door.
" You coming?" he asked.
" Yeah" I said as I got out of the limo and saw the hotel.
Then I walked through the doors with my dad holding my arm.
Then I see Marco wearing a white tux at the end of the hall. To the right are my friends and family members and to the left are Marco's family and friends. I tighten my grip with my dad when we start getting closer. Then Helen and Emily are wearing a light long blue dress at the end of the hall and Brian wearing a black tux next to Marco. Marco is backwards so I can't see his face. Then I reach the end and I let go of my dad's arm and kissed his cheek. Then I turned around and Marco was there facing me. I stand next to my future husband and face the priest.

A few moments later

Reader's POV
" Marco do you take Star to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do its part?" asked the priest.
" I do" said Marco.
" Do you Star take Marco to have and to hold, in sickness and health, till death do its part?" asked the priest.
" I do" said Star.
" Does anyone object to this young couple?" asked the priest.

"I DO!!!!"

So guys this is the last chapter. Sorry it ended with a cliffhanger but there is a sequel.

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