Chapter 34: Star!!!

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Marco's POV
I woke up and saw Star looking at me and a nurse very frighten.
" Uh?!?!"
Those were the only thing I could say in that moment. Then Star looked like she was gonna cry. Then I asked a lot of question which Star answered with joy.
She looked so pretty. WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING. Star is my best friend. Wait do I like Star? NO IT CANT BE!
Then Star and the nurse came back in. I never noticed when they left.
" What is Star to you" asked the nurse.
" Star is my best friend. She means the world to me."
" Anything else about her" the nurse asked.
I thought back for a second but the only thing I remembered was hanging out with her when we battled monsters. Then after that it is a blur and I can only remember the conversations I had with Emily and Brian.
" I don't remember it is all just a blur"
Then I looked at Star and she fell to her knees.
" Star!!"
I got up immediately.
Then her back fell to the ground. I grabbed her up and placed her on my bed. It hurt when I got up but I didn't  care. Star means the world to me. Then the nurse checked Star.
" Marco Star is gonna be fine. She just didn't eat anything in the past day and is dehydrated" said the nurse.
" Why didn't she eat" I asked.
" Because she was taking care of you speaking of which you are supposed to be in that bed.  You need to rest Marco." Said the nurse as she brought a wheelchair.
" Okay but can I stay with her"
" Yes but Marco I have to tell you something important about Star and why she fainted" said the nurse.
" What"
" Star fainted because she got worried you would never remember you are engaged to her" said the nurse.
When she said the word engaged everything hit me. I asked Star to marry me. Her mother died. I did a reservation for are wedding for her to be surprised.
" I remember"
" You do?" asked the nurse in shock.
" Yeah. Star is the world to me. I love her so much."
I looked back at Star and moved the wheelchair close to the bed. I grabbed her hand and kissed it.
" Marco I love you" whispered Star.
" Star I love you too" then I stand from the wheelchair and sat beside Star. She then snuggled into my chest.
" I love you more" whispered Star.
" I know you do and that's why I love you"
Then I kissed her head and she fell asleep. I looked out the door and saw the nurse.
" Excuse me I never got your name"
" It's Helen" she said.
" Helen. OMG I am so sorry I didn't remember you. Nice to see you again"
" You too Marco" said Helen.
Then Helen left. I was alone in a room with Star. Then she moved a little but didn't wake up. This reminds me of the time she was here.


Reader's POV
Star's appendix had erupted (AN: Those who read the prequel should know why.) and Marco stayed with Star. After her operation she was resting and Marco went outside to think. Then nurse Helen walked up to him.
" Is she fine?" asked nurse Helen.
" Yeah but I wish she would just wake up" said Marco.
" Maybe if you are there and you stay with her she will wake up" said Helen.
" I can't see her like this anymore. I wish she would get better and be her old self again" said Marco.
" Marco she will always be Star, but along the way things might happen that  change her. They might change her but deep down she is still Star. Maybe she might have challenges along the way but if your there she can find her way back." said Helen.
" Thanks Helen and you should be a motivational speaker." said Marco.
" People tell me that but I belong where I can help and save people in need" said Helen.
" Okay." said Marco as he entered Star's room again.

~~Flashback Over~~

Marco kept thinking of the time Star appendix erupted, but Star was thinking of something worse.

Star's POV/ Star's Dream
Everything is dark and foggy. I look up and I see Marco on the floor dead wearing a suit. I look up and see Oscar and Jackie wearing black clothes with fire behind them and then I look down to see me wearing a wedding dress covered in blood. I look around and see everybody that I love dead. Then Jackie comes up to me.
" That's for killing Tom" she said as she set my dress on fire and left with Oscar. Then I was stuck and I couldn't move or breath.

Reader's POV
Marco still was thinking until Star woke up.
" HEEELLLPPPP!!!!!" screamed Star.
" Star what is it" said Marco hugging Star as she sobbed on his chest.
" I had a nightmare of the future" said Star.
" Star nobody knows the future. It can change in an instant" said Marco as he comforted Star. Then Nurse Helen came running in.
" WHAT happened?" asked nurse Helen out of breath.
" Star had a nightmare but I got it" said Marco as he comforted Star.
" Okay if you need anything just tell me" said Helen as she left.
" Star are you okay now?" asked Marco.
" I think so but stay with me" said Star.
Then Marco sat back down on the bed with Star wrapped around his arms and her head on his chest.
" Thank you Marco" said Star.
" It's fine Star" said Marco.
Then they both fell asleep.

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