Chapter 24: Tournament

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Marco's POV
I woke up to my alarm clock and it was finally Saturday again. It had been a month since we started the swimming club today was the day that my team had a tournament verses the Eagles we were the Lions. I went and kissed Star on the mouth and then after a while she began kissing back and I pulled away.
"That is a good way to wake up" said Star.
"Good morning me Estrellas. I made breakfast for us."
"Okay" she said as she got up and went into the shower.

Reader's POV
After Star took her shower she came and ate pancakes, eggs, bacon, and bread with Marco.
"Thanks Marco" said Star.
"Remember I have my tournament today" said Marco.
"So you think I forgot well I didn't because..........." said Star as she went into the closet.
"I got you something" said Star as she took out a bag.
"You didn't have to get me anything" said Marco.
"But I did so open it." said Star jumping up and down.
"Marco then took out the paper and pulled out a water jumpsuit.
"You like it." said Star.
"Like it. It's awesome." said Marco as he grabbed Star and spinner her around.
"You can wear it for your tournament today." said Star.
"I will so when I am swimming it will remind me of you." said Marco as he leaned in and kissed Star.
She pulled away slowly.
"I love you." said Star.
"I love you too" said Marco.

..........Time Skip.........

It was the tournament and Star was on the front row of the benches. Marco was going first with Brian and against two other boys wearing yellow suits.

Authors Note
Just to inform Brian is the team captain of the swimming club and Emily's boyfriend.

Emily was sitting next to Star in the front of the benches. Marco got on the diving board and Brian got on the other one. The other two boys got on there diving boards and we're getting ready. Then the referee got his whistle ready.
He then shout a fire and blew the whistle at the same time and everyone dived in. The two other boys were really fast they had already given a spin. Brian tried catching up to them but couldn't then after they had given two laps they were going slower. Then Marco started going faster and passed them he was ahead of them by one lap and Brian was too. Marco was ahead of Brian but they were on the same team so it didn't really matter. Marco then heard the referee blow his whistle and say final lap. Then Marco started going faster and he reach the end. Then came Brian and the other two boys were last. Marco had one first place and they all cheered for him because he won for his school. Then after the tournament finished Star saw Brian and Emily leaving and they were the only ones left. Star waited for Marco to get changed into regular clothing but when he came out he was still in his jumpsuit.
"Marco weren't you going to change" asked Star.
"Yeah but then I got a brilliant idea." said Marco.
"What is it" I asked.
"This" he said lifting me bridal style and trowing me into the pool then diving in himself.
"Why did you do that Marco I don't have clothes to change" said Star.
Marco then was swimming to her and he grabbed her up and put her on his back.
"Hold on and take a deep breath." said Marco.
"Okay" said Star still mad.
Star then hold Marco's shoulders and took a deep breath. Marco then dived in. Star looked around her and above her and saw the light that reflected over the water. Marco then came back up and turned around to Star.
"Did you like the view" he asked.
"Yes, but I am still mad at you what am I supposed to do about my clothes" said Star looking at Marco.
" We will just stop at are dorm change and head for some ice cream to make it up to you." said Marco.
"Okay" said Star as she leaned in and kissed Marco's cheek.
"Let's go" said Marco as he grabbed Star's hand and dragged her out of the pool to there dorm. Star then changed into dry clothes and so did Marco. Marco then dragged star to the ice cream shop and Star ordered a banana split while Marco ordered a vanilla cone.
"Thank you Marco" said Star as she finished eating her banana split.
"Your welcome." said Marco as he stand up and went towards the bathroom. Star then waited until Marco got out of the bathroom to go to there dorm.

.........Time Skip.......

Star was ready to go to sleep. Marco was still in the shower taking a bath. Star knocked on the door.
"Yeah" Marco said.
"Can I come in to brush my teeth" asked Star.
"Sure" said Marco as he came out of the bathroom in his pj's.
"Ohh your already done" said Star.
"Yeah why" asked Marco.
"No reason" said Star nervously.
"Star did you want to see me without clothes" asked Marco.
"Nooo" said Star blushing.
"You did" said Marco.
"No I didn't." Said Star as she went in the bathroom.
"It's okay Star" said Marco.
Then Star came out of the bathroom and laid down on her bed. Marco then sat in his bed.
"What" asked Star.
"Did you" asked Marco.
"Did I what" asked Star.
"Did you wanna see me without clothes." asked Marco.
"No, yes, maybe, I don't know" said Star blushing.
Then Marco got up and took off his shirt and sat next to Star.
"Star turn around" said Marco.
"Why" asked Star.
"I want to show you something" said Marco.
Then Star turned around and saw Marco shirtless and started to turn into a red tomato. Then Marco hugged Star and she began blushing more.
"Marco" asked Star.
"Yeah" said Marco.
"I did" said Star as she started to look at Marco's chest.
"I knew it" said Marco as he put his shirt back on and kissed Star's forehead.
"Good night Star" said Marco as he went to his bed and fell asleep.
"I love you" said Star as she fell asleep.

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