Chapter 11: Everybody Knows

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Reader's POV
Star woke up. She went to Marco's room. She notice that his eye was better. She sat next to him. Then Marco woke up.
"Hi Star" said Marco.
"Feeling Better?" asked Star.
"Yeah a little bit" said Marco.
Star then hugged Marco.
"What was that for?" asked Marco.
"That I love you and I want to show you my love." said Star looking at him.
"We should get going to school" said Star.
When Marco and Star got dressed they went downstairs and ate breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Diaz looked at them and smiled because they were happy together.

......Time Skip.....

Marco and Star went to school to see everyone starting at them.
"Why are they staring, Marco" asked Star.
"I don't know Star" said Marco.
Marco then realized that Jackie and Oscar had seen the rings. He then dragged Star to the janitors closet.
"Star, Jackie and Oscar saw our rings." said Marco.
Star the leaned against the wall of the janitors closet.
"It's fine just act like were boyfriend and girlfriend not engaged." said Marco as he kissed Star in the cheek. She then agreed. Then they left the janitors closet and went to class.

.......Time Skip......

It was lunch time and Star and Marco were holding hands eating in there table. Then a lot of girls sat in there table.
"How did he propose Star? asked one of the girls.
" What?" said Star.
" Don't play dumb. We now you are engaged."
As Star looked at Marco thinking if to tell or not.
"No we are not engaged we are just a couple. Look no ring." said Marco as the girls walked away.
"Marco thank you I was getting nervous and didn't know what to say.". said Star as she calmed down.
Then a bunch of boys came to there table.
"How did you have the strength to tell her how you feel" asked one of the boys.
Marco than gripped Star's hand tighter.
"We are only a couple. So back off before I punch you." said Star as the boys left.
"Thank you Star." said Marco relaxing his arm.
"Hey you got my back and I got yours" said Star.
"That's true" said Marco.

........Time Skip......
The bell rang and Marco and Star were going home. Then suddenly the boys and girls came around them and said ARE YOU GUYS ENGAGED?????????? Marco gripped Star's hand and Star looked at him.
"NOOOO!!!!!" We are not engaged" said Marco and Star as they ran away.
Then they ran to there home and entered to Star's room. They then both hugged each other as they calmed down from running. Then Marco grabbed Star's wedding ring and his and placed them in a safe in the closet.
"We can't show those until graduation" said Marco.
"Okay, but we are still engaged right?" asked Star.
"Always. Wedding rings don't change who we are. We are engaged and nobody can change that okay." asked Marco.
"Okay" said Star.
After that they went to eat dinner with Mrs. and Mr. Diaz. Then suddenly appeared all the girls and boys from school and stand in front of Marco's house. They kept repeating the same words that they asked Marco and Star in school. Then they got tents and their pillows ready.
"Can I sleep in your room because I can hear them in mine?" asked Star.
"Yes you can" said Marco.
He then tucked in Star and kissed her goodnight.
"I love you Marco" said Star.
"I love you Star" said Marco.
Then they tried to sleep but could not.
"Can we just tell them" asked Star.
"Do you want to" asked Marco.
"I want to sleep but they are not letting me." said Star.
"Do we tell them" asked Marco.
"No, then they will keep wanting to know about our relationship." said Star. Marco agreed. Star couldn't fall asleep so Marco wrapped his arms around her and cuddled her until they both feel asleep.

Mr. and Mrs Diaz POV
"Leave them and go home."
The Mr. Diaz too a shock gun out of the closet and went out side. I will shoot if you don't leave my son alone. On the count of three
And then they was nobody in there lawn. Mr. Diaz than laughed and went inside. Than they feel asleep.

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