Chapter 26: THE WORST DAY

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Reader's POV
It was Monday and Star and Marco were awake.
"Star" asked Marco.
"Yeah" said Star.
"Do you blame me" asked Marco.
"For what" asked Star.
"For you always fighting with your mom" said Marco.
"No, why would you think that" asked Star looking at him.
"Because it's the truth" said Marco not looking at Star.
"Marco look at me" said Star.
Marco didn't look at Star.
"MARCO LOOK AT ME!!!!!!" said Star angry.
Marco looked at Star.
"I would never blame you, Okay" said Star.
"Okay" said Marco.
"Why did you think that" asked Star.
"Because you yesterday said that you only fought with your mom because of me." said Marco.
"Marco I only fought with her because I loved you and she wanted to separate us ." said Star.
"I love you too Star" said Marco.
"I am gonna make breakfast if not we are going to be late for our first period" said Star.
"Star we don't need to go" said Marco.
"Yes we do Marco" said Star.
"No I meant I excused is both from school because of your moms death" said Marco.
"Why" asked Star.
" Because I thought you wanted to go see your dad and stuff" said Marco.
"I do but responsibilities come first" said Star.
"Star I know they do but still you can still go see your dad. I already excused us." said Marco.
"Okay" said Star.

........Time Skip.......

School had already started and Marco and Star were getting ready to go to Meuni.
"Ready" asked Marco.
"Yeah" said Star as she took out the dimensional scissors and opened a portal to Meuni.
Then Marco and Star jumped in and arrived at the castle. Star walked threw the halls and saw her dad crying. She then turned around and started crying on Marco's shoulder.
"It's okay Star" said Marco as he passed his hand on her blond silky hair.
"Star" said the King.
"Hi daddy" said Star as she looked at the King.
"Star I missed you so much." said the King.
"I missed you too" said Star as she hugged her dad.
"Marco thank you for protecting Star and bringing her home." said the King.
"No problem" said Marco.
"Now she can accept her responsibility and be Queen." said the King.
"It was my pleasure.....WAIT WHAT!!!"said Marco.
"Yeah since the Queen died the princess needs to be the new Queen. I was waiting till Star came home herself but I guess you brought her" said the King.
"No she can't be" said Marco.
"Why not" asked the King.
"Because......" said Marco.
"Marco it's my destiny." said Star.
"I don't want you to leave me" said Marco.
"I wont leave you come with me be the king of Meuni." said Star jumping up and down.
"I can't" said Marco looking down.
Then Star stop jumping and went towards Marco.
"Why" asked Star.
"Because my home and my family are there" said Marco.
"But how about me" said Star.
"I love you but home is where the family is" said Marco.
"It's okay Marco I understand" said Star.
"No you don't" said Marco turning around.
"Fine." said Star as she walked up to her room and slammed the door.
"Marco maybe you should think about it" said the King patting Marco's shoulder.
"Yeah. I just need time to my self." said Marco.
"There is a room that nobody sleeps in. If you want you can go there" said the King.
"Yeah Thank you" said Marco.
Marco then passed Star's room and heard crying.
"I can't believe him" said Star crying.
Marco then passed Star's room and went to the room nobody slept in.

Marco's POV
I would love to stay for her but my family are at earth. I can't leave without getting done threw college. Meuni is a place were people don't need jobs but I want to have a job on earth and grow up with my friends. One of my friends is Star and she has been with me for a long time without her parents. I can be without mine. But Star's parents know where she was. UHHHH THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!

Star's POV
I can't blame him I would be here with my parents and he wouldn't. It wouldn't be fare for him. I was without my parents on earth why can't he just be with me and my dad. My mom died while I was on earth away from her. That ain't fare. If Marco wants to be with his parents fine, but I will stay with my dad. But I do love him. I also love my dad. AHHHH THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!

Both's POV
I know what I have to do.

Authors Note
Another cliff hanger. SORRY. Anyway will Star and Marco stay together or will Star stay with her dad and Marco go with his parents. Will they break up and never get married.

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