Chapter 38: Roller Coaster Trouble

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Reader's POV
After Star and Marco saw the hotel they   went to sleep.  It's 5:30am and Marco stayed awake the whole night. Now Star woke up.
" Good morning Star" said Marco as he kissed her forehead.
" What are we gonna do today?" questioned Star.
" Where gonna have fun." said Marco.
" That is so much detail Marco" said Star.
" I don't want to spoil the surprise" said Marco as he played with Star's hair.
Then Star turned around and faced the opposite direction of Marco.
" What's wrong?" asked Marco.
" Do you love me?" asked Star.
" Star why are you....." asked Marco as he was interrupted by Star.
" Marco just answer the question for my sake please" said Star with watery eyes.
" Star I love you with all my heart. You are my soul. Why are you asking?" questioned Marco.
" Because......" said Star.
" Because?" repeated Marco.
" Do you trust me?" asked Star.
" Star I trust you but why the sudden questions?" asked Marco.
" Well recently you haven't wanted to tell me where your gonna take me and it's getting a little annoying you knowing where we are going and I don't know a single thing. I am like a clueless bird." said Star facing Marco.
" Star your not clueless......" said Marco as he was interrupted by Star.
" YES I AM!!!!" said Star sitting up and begging to cry.
" Don't cry Star" said Marco.
" You don't get it Marco. It's like hiding secrets from a person. It's hard to do and also it's mean for the person your hiding it from" said Star.
" Star do you want to know where we are going?" asked Marco.
" Yes please" said Star.
" We are going to the carnival, but first we're going back to sleep" said Marco as he hugged Star and sat back down on the bed.
" Okay. Thank you for telling me" said Star as she snuggled into Marco's chest.

.........Time Skip.........

It is now 10:30am and Star woke up. Marco was asleep with hands wrapped around Star's waist. Star began to kiss Marco's neck and then he woke up. Star kept kissing his neck until Marco kissed her lips and she kissed back.
" Good morning Marco" said Star as she placed her hands around his neck.
" Good morning my love let's go eat breakfast" said Marco.
Then Star got up and went to the bathroom while Marco changed outside. Then Star came out and went downstairs to the cafeteria with Marco. When they got there they were only two people in line. On the trays they were eggs, bacon, pancakes, hash browns, out meal, and cereal. Star grabbed a tray and placed a plate on it while Marco did the same. Then Star grabbed bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Marco took oatmeal, cereal, and pancakes. They say down at a table and started eating there food.
" Marco when does the carnival open?" asked Star.
"At 1:00. Why?" questioned Marco.
Star just shrugged her shoulders.
" Star are you planning to do something without telling?" asked Marco.
Star just moved her head from side to side.
" Star?" asked Marco.
" Nope" said Star.
" Okay...... Do you like the hotel so far?" asked Marco.
" Yeah everything is so cool." said Star.
" Well your definitely going to love the carnival." said Marco.
Then they finished eating. It was 12:30 and Star and Marco went up the stairs to go change.
" Hey Star?" asked Marco.
" Yeah" said Star.
" Do you think I am at the same standards as you?" asked Marco.
" What do you mean?" asked Star.
" Well I was wondering if you ever get hurt or something can I actually protect you?" asked Marco.
" Why would you ask that?" questioned Star.
" Well I always think your the one protecting me and I only done it some times." said Marco scratching the back of his neck.
" Marco you are my equal we both protect each other if one does it more than the other. Plus nothing bad has happened since you killed Tom so we are good." said Star hugging Marco.
" But what if Jackie or Oscar come back and I can't protect you?" asked Marco.
" They won't if not they would have already done it. Marco stop worrying and let's go to the carnival" said Star as she dragged Marco to the exit of the hotel.

........ Time Skip.....

Marco and Star arrived at the carnival at 1:15. They were only a couple of people in the lines so they could enter every ride.
" Which one do we go first too?" asked Marco.
" Let's go to a roller coaster I have never been on one so I want to know how it is." said Star jumping up and down of excitement.
" Okay let's go to the blue one. People tell me that is the funnest just as long as your not scared of roller coasters" said Marco walking to the roller coaster.
" Let's see if I am afraid" said Star walking to the line.
Then Marco and Star sat on the first cart of the roller coaster.
" Marco?" questioned Star.
" Yeah" asked Marco.
" Do people go flying out of the carts?" asked Star with shacking hands.
" No, Star are you okay?" asked Marco.
" I don't know, I have never had this feeling before" said Star her hands still shacking.
" Star your scarred there is nothing to worry about if you get scarred just hold my hand." said Marco extending his hand.
" Okay" said Star hugging Marco really tight.
" Or you can do that" said Marco.
Then the roller coaster started counting down from 10. Star tighten her grip around Marco's waist.
" Star I am here for you no matter what happens" said Marco as he comforted Star.
" Thank You Marco" said Star.
" I love you" said Marco as he kissed Star's head.
" I love you too Marco" said Star as she took a deep breath.
" Hold me" said Star as the roller coaster blasted off and gave loops turns and circles.
In one point the ride slowed down. Marco looked at Star.
" Star are you okay?" asked Marco.
" No" said Star with tears in her eyes.
" Star don't cry" said Marco passing his hand on her hair.
" I am scarred" said Star snuggling into his body.
" I am hear don't be scarred" said Marco as he hugged Star.
Then the ride began to countdown again.
" I want to leave" said Star beginning to cry again.
" The rides almost over Star just close your eyes and don't look" said Marco.
" Okay" said Star as she hid her face in Marco's hoodie.
Then the ride began spinning and twirling again. It gave 5 loops and then went really high and then dropped. Then the ride finished after a few more curves.
" Take me home please" said Star.
" Okay" said Marco as he took off his hoodie and placed it on Star.
" Why are you giving me this?" asked Star.
" Because I want to protect you from those girls" said Marco.
" What are they doing?" asked Star.
" They are laughing at you for crying" said Marco as he stopped walking.
" Marco what wrong?" asked Star.
" I will be right back" said Marco walking up to the girls.
" Wait Marco Don't" said Star running after him.
" Hey you three!" said Marco.
" Are you talking to us" asked the three girls.
(Warning bad language)
" Yeah. Don't laugh at Star just because she was afraid. Maybe one day you will be afraid. At least she has someone to be there for her unlike you sluts" said Marco.
Then one girl began to cry while the other two looked at Marco serious.
" We are not sluts you jackass" said the tallest one.
( Okay bad language over. Continue Reading)
Then Star grabbed Marco's hand and dragged him away from the girls.
" Sorry Star. I just had to say tell them something for making fun of you" said Marco.
" It's okay, but you didn't have to curse at them" said Star.
" I know I was just so mad" said Marco.
" It's okay wild man" said Star as she kissed Marco's cheek.
" Want to go back to the hotel?" asked Marco.
" Yeah I am pretty tired right now" said Star as she yawned.
" Okay let's go." said Marco.

.......Time Skip.......

Marco and Star went to the hotel to eat dinner. It was now 6:10. Star and Marco went upstairs to there room.
" Goodnight Marco" said Star as she wrapped her body with the blanket.
" Goodnight Star" said Marco as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

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