Chapter 25: The day nobody saw coming

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Reader's POV
Star woke up and saw Marco still asleep. It was Sunday and they had no homework. Star then went to Marco's bed and looked at him she gave him a kiss on the cheek. Marco then woke up and kissed Star on the lips. She then slowly pulled away.
"Good morning" said Star as she got up from Marco's bed.
"Let's go eat out" said Marco before Star walked in the kitchen and began making food.
"Where" asked Star.
"IHOP" said Marco as he looked at Star.
"Sure" said Star as she went to the bathroom to change.

.......Time Skip.......

Marco and Star finished eating and went to there dorm. Star was sitting on her bed when Marco started kissing her. Star then kissed back but then her mirror started ringing.
"Marco excuse me" said Star as she pushed him away.
"Okay" said Marco.
Then Marco went to the bathroom and Star went to the mirror.

Star's POV
"Hey Daddy"
"How is my princess" asked the King.
"Good. Marco has taken care of me"
"That is good. Hey where is he now" asked the King.
"He is in the bathroom. Why"
"Because he should be with you when I am talking to you" said the King.

Reader's POV
"Okay. I will go get him" said Star as she knocked on the bathroom.
"What" asked Marco.
"My dad wants to speak to both of us" said Star.
"Okay I am coming" said Marco.
Then Marco came out and went with Star to the mirror.
"Hello King" said Marco.
"Hello Marco" said the King.
"Why did you want Marco here dad" asked Star.
"Because what I am about to tell you is important and I need him to hug you and protect you" said the King looking at Marco.
Marco then wrapped his arms around Star.
"What is it" asked Star.
"Star you mother is no longer with us" said the King looking down.
Star then fell to the ground in tears. Marco then hugged her tightly and she began to cry more on his shoulder. Marco was getting tears in his eyes but did not let Star see them.
"How" asked Marco to the King.
"She was walking and then got a heart attack but then was rushed to the hospital, but it was to late." said the King.
"Can't you use your magic like you did on me" asked Marco while Star was still crying on his shoulder.
"No she was to far gone" said the King.
"Ohh" said Marco.
"Please protect my princess and don't let her get hurt" said the King.
"I will" said Marco as the King turned off the mirrors.
Marco then hugged Star tighter and she began to cry more. Marco then grabbed her bridal style and placed her on her bed and sat down next to her.
"Star" asked Marco.
"Yeah" said Star sobbing.
"It's okay" said Marco.
Star then snuggled with Marco until she fell asleep. Marco kept comforting her. Marco then tucked in Star and went to the office of the school.

Marco's POV
"Can I speak to the principle"
"Yeah wait here" said the secretary.
I waited until the secretary told me to go in.
"Marco you wanted to see me" asked the principle.
"Yeah. Star's mom died and I wanted to know if we could not attend school until she feels better."
"Sure Marco I will excuse you and Star with all your teachers and tell them to give you five extra days to do the homework they assigned." said the principle.
"Tell Star I am sorry for her loss" said the principle.
"I will"
I walked out of the office and the secretary looked at me with a sad face.
"I am sorry for your friends loss" said the secretary.
"Thank you"
I then left the office and when I was walking to our dorm a lot of people looked at me and told me the same thing the secretary did. I then finally got to our dorm and I sat down next to Star which was now sleep crying. I then wrapped my arms around her waist and she started waking up.

Reader's POV
"Marco" asked Star.
"Yeah" said Marco.
"Did that actually happen" asked Star.
"What" asked Marco.
"Did my mom actually die and the only thing we ever did was fight because she didn't like you." asked Star.
Marco then looked at Star and hugged her tighter.
"Yes Star it did happen" said Marco.
Then Star started to cry more and turned around to Marco. Star then kept crying on Marco's chest. Marco wrapped his arms around Star. She then kept crying until she fell asleep. Marco couldn't sleep thinking of what Star said.

Marco's POV
Is Star blaming this on me?
Does she think that the only thing she did with her mom was fight?
Does she hate me?
Will she blame me for the rest of my life?

Authors Note
Thank you guys for 3k views I dedicated this chapter to you and if I reach 3.50k views I will update again sooner.

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