Chapter 37: Pool Day

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Reader's POV
Star woke up to see rose petals all around Marco's bed in a shape of a heart. She got up and got dressed. Then she went downstairs were she saw Mr. and Mrs. Diaz.
" Good Morning Star" said Mrs. Diaz.
" I am so sorry I broke your rules please if you want to kick me out I would not mind." said Star looking down.
" Star the rules were a prank to see if you guys would fall for it and you did." said Mr. Diaz.
" So you weren't gonna kick us out?" asked Star.
" No why would we kick you guys out. You are awesome." said Mr. Diaz as he got up and left the room.
" Have you seen Marco?" asked Star.
" No but I thought he was still asleep with you." said Mrs. Diaz.
" No when I got they were rose petals around my bed but no Marco." said Star.
" Rose petals?" questioned Mrs. Diaz.
" Yeah come see" said Star.
Then Mrs. Diaz walked up the stairs with Star and went inside Marco's room.
" Wow you weren't kidding about the rose petals" said Mrs. Diaz.
" Look there is a note on the table that I didn't see." said Star.

The Note

Dear Star meet me at the Marriott Courtyard at six and were your swimsuit.
From your fiancé and soon to be husband

End of Note

Star kept starting at the note. Mrs. Diaz read the note ad got Star's swimsuit out and placed it on Marco's bed. The time was 4:30pm and Star didn't know why but she had a bad feeling about it but she did what Marco said to do.

.......Time Skip.......

It was six and Star was in front of the Courtyard. Then she entered and was introduced by a waiter.
" Good evening ma'am" said the butler.
" Hello" said Star.
" They are waiting for you in the pool" said the butler.
" Thank you, John" said Star.
" Your welcome Mrs. Diaz" said John.
Then Star walked to the pool area, but didn't see anyone. Then she looked at the pool and saw a figure under water. She couldn't actually tell who it was because it was underwater. Then the figure was moving closer to her and she started backing away. Then she slipped and fell into the pool.
" HELP!!!!" screamed Star.
Then Star fell in the pool with a big splash. Then she felt arms wrap around her waist and be pulled up from the water. Then she looked up and saw Marco.
" Star are you okay?" asked Marco.
" Yeah, What are you doing here?" asked Star.
" Oh right SURPRISE!" said Marco.
" What's the surprise?" asked Star.
" A day at this beautiful hotel and pool all to ourselves." said Marco.
" Really?" asked Star wrapping her hands around Marco's neck.
" Yeah" said Marco.
" You did this for me?" asked Star.
" Yeah I wanted to have our date a little more private and romantic but if you want....." said Marco as he was interrupted by Star kissing him.
" I love it thank you" said Star.
" Want me to carry you?" asked Marco.
" Yes please." said Star as she lifted her feet and Marco carried her around the pool. Star then leaned her head on his chest as the soothing ride continued.
" Star?" asked Marco.
" Yeah" said Star.
" Do you like this place?" asked Marco.
" Why" asked Star.
" Because I was thinking we could do are wedding here" said Marco.
" That's a great idea now can you please be quiet so I can enjoy this moment" said Star.
" As you wish my lady" said Marco.

.......Time Skip......

Marco and Star kept swimming until it was 10:00pm and John walked up to them.
" Sorry to interrupt you Mr. Diaz but the pool hours say that the pool closes at 10:00pm." said John.
" Thank you John we will get out now" said Marco as he got out of the pool.
" Your welcome Mr. Diaz" said John as he left the pool area.
" Are you coming?" asked Marco as he extended his hand for Star to come out.
" Yeah" said Star as she got out of the pool.
" Hey Marco I don't have clothes to stay here." said Star.
" Yeah I got that covered" said Marco as he handed Star his shirt.
" What's this for?" asked Star.
" That's to enter the hotel because your shirt is wet." said Marco grabbing the shirt and placing it over Star.
" Thank you" said Star.
" What do you wanna do?" asked Marco.
" What is there to do?" asked Star.
" Well we can go see what the hotel has, we can go eat out, or we can play games in the arcade." said Marco.
" Let's play games in the arcade" said Star.
Marco and Star then left the pool and went to the arcade.
" This is so cool" said Star.
" I know I saw it earlier." said Marco.
" Let's play foosball first" said Star.
" Okay let me get the tokens" said Marco as he took out five dollars and put them in the machine. Then Star took 10 tokens and so did Marco.
" How do you play this?" asked Star.
" Okay I am gonna start it and help you" said Marco as he put in two tokens. Then the game started and the balls rolled down.
" Okay grab one" said Marco.
" Okay now what?" asked Star.
" You role the ball upward and try to score it in a whole" said Marco as he grabbed Star's hand and moved it backward and shot the ball into the 30 points whole.
" Cool I get it" said Star as she grabbed a ball and shot it in the 10 points whole.
" Yeah thats it" said Marco.
Then Star kept shooting until time ran out.
" Lets play against each other now" said Star as she got ready.
" I have to admit I am a good player" said Marco.
" I bet if I win you have to do something for me" said Star.
" And if I win you have to do something for me" said Marco.
" Deal" said Star.
" Okay ready" said Marco.
" Set" said Star.
" Go" said Marco and Star at the same time.
Then Marco kept scoring 30-50. While Star scored first a 10 then a 50 and then kept scoring 100.
At the end Marco had 265 points while Star had 450 points.
" I win" said Star.
" Okay what do you want me to do?" asked Marco.
" I will save that for later" said Star as she got a token and placed it on the crane machine game.
She tried to get a teddy bear but failed.
" Let me do it Star" said Marco as he got a token and placed it in the game.
Then he got a brown teddy bear with a heart on it and gave it to Star.
" How did you do that?" asked Star.
" John helped me practice before you got here so I could get you one" said Marco.
" You practice to get me one?" asked Star.
" Yeah I did I wanted to get you a special one" said Marco.
" Thank you" said Star as she kissed Marco's cheek.
" So do you wanna go or do we play more?" asked Marco.
" Let's go I wanna see the hotel" said Star as she placed the 5 tokens in her pockets and hold her teddy bear in her right hand.
" Okay" said Marco as he placed the 7 tokens in his back pockets and opened the door for Star.

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