Chapter 32: Repeat

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Star's POV
It was already late and Marco wasn't back yet. Then I got a text from Marco.
M: Going home now will be there in an hour.
S: okay I will be here.
Then I put my phone down and took a bath when I came out 30 minutes had already past and Marco wasn't back yet. A million thoughts were going threw my mind. Then I heard a knock on the door. I ran downstairs and opened the door. Then I saw a police man. He then took of his cap.
" Are you Mrs. Diaz" asked the police man.
" I will soon be what is this about"
" Mam Mr. Diaz is at the hospital." Said the policeman looking down.
" Please come with us" said the policeman showing me to his car.
" Wait I have to get Mr. and Mrs. Diaz"
Then I rushed into the house and woke up Mr. and Mrs. Diaz.
" Star what is it" asked Mrs. Diaz.
" No time to explain we have to go to the hospital"
Then I dragged Mr. and Mrs. Diaz out of there bed and we all got in the police car.
" What's going on Star" asked Mr. Diaz.
" Marco is in the hospital. We have to go see what happened"
Then Mr. and Mrs. Diaz got sad.

..........Time Skip.......

We finally arrived at the hospital. I immediately go to the front desk.
" Where is Marco Diaz"
" He is in intensive care. Who is here to see him?" asked the lady in the front desk which seemed bored out of her mind.
" His wife"
" Oh sorry, I didn't know. This way please" said the lady as she got up from her desk and lead the way. Then she stopped in front of a room.
" This is were he is. He has been saying your name for the past hour. He is not awake but just keeps saying your name" said the lady as she touched my shoulder and left.
I was really nervous to see how Marco was. I just kept staring at the doorknob. Then Mr. and Mrs. Diaz came behind me.
" Star are you gonna go in" asked Mrs. Diaz.
" I can't" I shuddered.
"Star do you want us to go first" asked Mr. Diaz.
I just nodded to his response. Then Mr. and Mrs. Diaz went in. I kept felling nervous that I didn't notice I was walking away from Marco and sat in the waiting room. I just kept playing with my fingers. Then the lady from the front desk marched up to me.
" Did you go in" asked the lady.
" No I couldn't"
" What is your name" asked the lady.
" Star"
" Star let me tell you something. If the love of your life is in there fitting for his life you should be in there with him. I know it might be scary to see how he is but if he sees you and knows your with him he might just come back." said the lady.
Then I started to cry and hugged her.
" It's okay you can cry all you want" said the lady.
I hugged her tighter as I cried harder. Then she pulled me away,
" Are you better" she asked.
" Yeah"
" Are you gonna see him" asked the girl.
" Yeah."
" Good" said the girl.
" Wait what is your name"
" It's Helen. I was here the last time you were here in the hospital remember I told you that you were fine and could go home" said Helen looking at me.
" Yeah thanks Helen"
Then I walked back in front of Marco's room but this time I twisted the doorknob and entered. There I saw Marco with a cast on his arm and bruises all over his face. My eyes started to sting because of the tears. Then they started to fall when I heard his sweet voice repeat my name over and over again. I began to cry more. Then I sat next to him. He looked so bad. I wanted to hug him but I knew that would hurt him more or make him worse so I just sat down. Then Marco's parents left and I was about to leave when Marco grabbed my hand. I looked back and saw Marco still repeating my name but in between him repeating my name saying Stay. So it sounded like
Star stay Star stay Star stay
But not to fast. Then I got closer to him and kissed his forehead. His eyes started fluttering open. Then his heart beat was faster but then his eyes shut again. The first thing I thought was that it was bad.
Then Helen came in and looked at Marco grabbing my arm and his heart beat faster. She then came running to me.
" What happen" she asked.
" I was leaving and then he grabbed my arm and started saying Star stay. Then I kissed his forehead and his eyes opened and then closed"
Then Helen calmed down.
" Is it something bad"
" No Star it is just that he is moving. That is good. He knows your here and he is still fighting to come back and be with you" said Helen.
" What do I do about his arm"
" I think he doesn't want you to leave so I guess you should stay the night" said Helen.
" I can"
" Yes you may. It might actually help Marco if your here with him" said Helen about to leave.
" Okay and thank you again Helen"
" It's my job and if something happens like he wakes up tell me" said Helen closing the door.
Then I sat back down and Marco let go of my arm. My arm was red because he gripped it hard. Now Marco started saying something else.
Sorry Star Stay Sorry Star Stay
I guess he is trying to tell me sorry but keeps repeating everything he says.
" It's okay Marco" I told him.
Then he moved his arm away and placed it on his bed and started patting it like if he wanted me to sit there.
I got up and sat on the bed then leaned against his warm chest and snuggled into it. Now Marco said something else.
I love you Sorry Star stay I love you Sorry Star stay
I knew he was improving like Helen said.
" I love you too Marco. Please don't leave me. I said to him with tears streaming down my cheek.
He then moved his hand and wiped the tears away. It was like he could hear and see me but he didn't open his eyes.
Then I got up and sat in the chair. Then Marco didn't say anything. I was flipping out. I ran outside and called nurse Helen she came into Marco's room. She checked him and his monitor.
" Star he is fine. He just fell asleep. Tomorrow he will not repeat anything until you ask him a question then if you ask him something else he will repeat the first thing and the second. He will be like this until he wakes up" said Helen as she gave me a blanket and brought me a sleeping bag.
" What's this for"
" You didn't think I was gonna let you sleep on that chair did you. You were my patient too you know" said Helen as she placed the sleeping bag on the floor and put a pillow on the floor.
" thank you again Helen"
" Your welcome goodnight" said Helen as she left the room.
Then I got comfortable on the slipping bag and went to sleep.

Authors Note
Okay so this whole chapter was in Star's POV. It was fun. You met a new character in the story. Thank you guys for 10.05k views. Compared to what I had in the beginning this is a big deal for me especially on my first story.

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