Chapter 8: 12th Grade

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Third Person's POV

It is January and school is about to start. It is a Friday. Marco woke up. He went to Star's room. Star was awake and threw a pillow at him.

"Not today with those cheesy yet adorable quotes you tell me every morning" said Star as she placed a lot of pillows and started throwing them.

Marco ducked under the pillow fort she had made. Then they were making so much noise that Marco's parents woke up. They told them to keep it down. Marco and Star did so. Then they realized they had school and we're gonna be late. Marco grabbed Star and impulsed her close to him and kissed her. They then went to eat breakfast with Mr. and Mrs. Diaz.

......Time Skip.....

Marco and Star got to school and saw Jackie and Oscar. Marco then dragged Star to the janitors closet.

"Did Jackie and Oscar finish there time in juvenile prison?" asked Marco.

"I don't know." said Star.

" I hope they are not mad at us for sending them to prison for beating me up." said Marco worried.

Star grabbed his hands and looked him in the eyes.

"I won't let them hurt you." said Star.

"What if they hurt both of us." said Marco.

"They won't." said Star.

"But..." said Marco as Star interrupted him.

" Stop worrying Marco if they do we will call the cops. Don't think about it, it hasn't happened yet." said Star smiling at him.

"Okay I won't think about it." said Marco.

"Promise?" asked Star.

"Promise." said Marco.

Then they went to class.

.........Time Skip........

The bell rung and it was lunch time. Marco and Star were hugging and laughing since everybody already new they were a couple. Then Jackie and Oscar came by and sat in front of them. Star did not notice and neither did Marco because they were hypnotized with each other's eyes.

"Ehhh" said Jackie.

Marco then looked to the side and fell of his chair then got up and sat again.

"Are you okay Marco?" asked Star.

"Yeah I am fine." replied Marco.

"Aww, how cute she cares about him" said Jackie.

" What do you want Jackie?" asked Marco.

"Revenge" said Oscar.

"Why?" asked Star.

"Ohhh You know why." said Jackie getting angrier.

Then Marco took Star's hand.

"At the count of three we run." whispered Marco to Star.

"THREE!" said Marco.

Then Marco and Star ran to the Janitors Closet.

"Are we safe?" asked Star.

Marco then put his hand on her mouth. As they looked to the side and saw Jackie and Oscar running looking for them.

"No." said Marco.

"Calm down Marco" said Star nervously looking at him.

She took his hands and hugged him so he could relax. When he felt her body against his he felt protected and secure in her arms.

"Now where do we go, that is safe?" asked Star.

"I don't know." said Marco.

"We seem pretty safe hear." said Marco.

"So we just stay here and don't fight?" asked Star.

"We can't they probably brought back up this time again." said Marco.

They both crouched down. Marco then leaned against the wall of the closet as Star put her arms around his chest and leaned her head on his shoulder.

" Star if anything goes wrong I want you to know that it is not your fault." said Marco looking at her.

Then she hugged him tightly. They were stuck in the closet until the bell rang. Then they went to the Principle's Office.

"What are you doing here?" asked the Principle.

" Oscar and Jackie are after us!" said Star.

"You guys are out of class and they are not! For your punishment you will have to clean the lunchroom at night." said the Principle.

"But..." said Star.

"No excuses Mrs. Butterfly." said the Principle.

Then Star and Marco left the Principle's Office to there regular classes.

......Time Skip......

After school Marco and Star went home trying not to be spotted by Jackie or Oscar. They went to there home and Mrs. Diaz had a lot of camping stuff ready for them to take and clean the cafeteria. They packed everything in Mr.Diaz car and went to the school. They got there at 6:00pm. Mr. Diaz helped them unpack. Then he left. Marco prepared the tent they were gonna sleep in.

"What do we do first?" asked Marco.

"Let's clean the tables and the floor then we will go with the kitchen." said Star emotionally.

"Okay" said Marco.

Marco cleaned the tables while Star grabbed sponges and scrubbed the floor. After Marco cleaned the tables, he looked for the hose. Star finished scrubbing the floors and then helped Marco put water on it and get the water out. It was 8:00pm when they finished. Then they went to the kitchen. They did everything faster and finished at 9:00pm. Star was getting tired, so he lifted her and took her to her sleeping bag. She then fell asleep. Marco wished her a goodnight and went to his sleeping bag. He then fell asleep.

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