Chapter 19: Thinking

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Reader's POV
Marco woke up to see Star in his bed. Star was looking into his eyes.
"Star how did you get here" asked Marco.
"I had a nightmare in the night so I came here to see you sleeping and fell asleep next to you." said Star.
"Okay" said Marco.
"What was the nightmare" asked Marco.
"Nothing" said Star as she was about to cry.
"Star don't cry. Whatever it was it wasn't real" said Marco as he hugged her a passed his hand over her blond hair to comfort her.
"But it felt so real" said Star as she cried.
"Its okay. I am here for you. There is nothing to worry about." said Marco.
"I love you Marco." said Star as she looked up at him.
"I love you too Star" said Marco as he kissed her forehead and kept hugging her.

........Time Skip......

Mrs. Diaz was down stairs and had made breakfast. Then Mr. Diaz went to work. Mrs. Diaz called Marco and Star downstairs for breakfast. Then they both came out of Marco's room running downstairs. Mrs. Diaz then called Marco to another room.
"Did you do anything?" asked Mrs. Diaz nervously.
"No! She just came in at night because she had a nightmare." said Marco.
"Ohhh, Okay that is relieving." said Mrs. Diaz.
"Mom we are engaged and we would not do those things until we are married!!!" said Marco staring at his mother.
"Okay" said Marco's mom.
Then they both came out and Marco sat to eat breakfast next to Star. Star then grabbed his shoulder.
"Marco calm down you look so red." said Star worried about him.
"It's fine Star." said Marco.
" Today we can't hang out. Sorry Star, but I have to buy my Graduation clothes." said Marco as he hold her hand.
"It's fine. I have to buy my stuff to." said Star.
"Mrs. Diaz can you come with me to the mall so I can look for stuff." asked Star.
"Sure you can." said Mrs. Diaz.

........Time Skip.....

Marco's POV
I can't believe GRADUATION is around the corner. Star and I our going to tell everyone that we are engaged. I don't know how to present it. Should we both go up with rings on our hands and say we are engaged or should I reenact when I proposed. I don't know I should have to ask her. Anyway I have no idea what I am going to where under my graduation clothes. I know!"

Star's POV
I can't believe GRADUATION is around the corner. That is the day that we tell all our classmates that we are engaged. How are we gonna do that. I guess Marco and me will discuss that later. Now I just don't now what to where under the graduation clothes. I could where a dress. Yeah thats what I am going to where a dress, but what dress?

......Time Skip........

Reader's POV
Marco and Star then when home and placed the clothing they brought in each other's closets. Then Marco went to Star's room. He then sat on her bed next to her.
"Star how are we going to tell our classmates that we are engaged." asked Marco.
"I don't know I thought you had an idea." said Star.
"Yeah I have two. Do we hold hands and say it or do we act like we were never engaged and I ask you again." asked Marco.
"The second one sounds better." said Star.
"Okay" said Marco.
"What are you gonna were for the GRADUATION." asked Star.
"I am gonna were a blue tie with a black suit and you?" asked Marco.
"I am gonna were a yellow sparkly dress that is long and matches my hair." said Star.
"Okay." said Marco.
Then Marco's mom called them for lunch. Star and Marco came down and ate lunch then Marco called Star outside.
"Let's go for a ride" said Marco.
"Okay" said Star.
Then Marco got on the motorcycle and Star wrapped her arms around his waist. Marco blushed.
"Hold on" said Marco.
"Okay" said Star.
Marco the started the motorcycle and ride off. He then went drove threw a bridge.
"Were are we going" asked Star.
"Wherever the road takes us." said Marco.

.......Time Skip........

"Let's get back." said Star.
"Okay" said Marco.
Then when he was driving back Star saw the sunset when they were going threw the bridge.
" WOW. It's so beautiful" said Star.
"Your beautiful" said Marco as he was riding the motorcycle.
"I love you" said Star.
"I love you too Star" said Marco.
Then they arrived at there home and Star kissed Marco in the cheek.
"What was that for" asked Marco.
"Because I love you" said Star as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I love you too" said Marco as he kissed her in the mouth.
Then came Mr. and Mrs. Diaz outside they saw Star with one foot up kissing Marco. Then Mr. and Mrs. Diaz went inside and left them outside alone.
Star then gently let go. Marco then stared into her blue eyes and kissed her again. She then returned the kiss. Marco then let gently go. Star then looked into his brown eyes.
"I love you so much." said Star.
"I love you too" said Marco.
Then he grabbed her hand and dragged her in. He then sat in the couch and played a movie and made his famous nachos and cheese. We then sat together. Marco had his arm around Star and she had her head on his shoulder. They watched the movie and Star fell asleep as the movie almost finished. Marco then grabbed her and placed her on her bed. Marco then kissed her on the forehead and wished her a goodnight. The Marco finished watching the movie and went to his room and fell asleep.

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