Chapter 31: I love you

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Reader's POV
Star woke up with the sun hitting her face. She then saw she was in the treehouse.
"Marco," she whispered.
"Yeah," said Marco.
"We never went home," said Star.
"What?" said Marco as he got up from the sleeping bag.
"Marco, we stayed at the treehouse," said Star getting up.
"I know," said Marco getting up.
"We have to get to school," said Star panicking.
"Star, there is no school today," said Marco.
"Why not?" asked Star.
"Because school finished last week," said Marco.
"Oh, okay," said Star as she sat back on the sleeping bag.

....Time Skip......

Star and Marco got dressed and now are at the park under their treehouse.
"Star, let me finish so nobody can enter are treehouse except us," said Marco as he threw the rope up and it landed inside the treehouse.
"Okay," said Star as she hold Marco's hand and began walking with him to his house because they can't stay in the dorms because school finished.
Then Marco drove to his house where his parents greeted him and Star.
"Welcome back, Marco and Star," said Mr. and Mrs. Diaz.
"Hello, Mami y Papi," said Marco as he embraced his parents in a hug.
"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz" said Star.
"Star," said Mr. and Mrs. Diaz as they went to hug her.
"Star," said Marco.
"Yeah," said Star.
"We have to go unpack," said Marco.
"Okay," said Star as she went upstairs.
Marco stayed with his parents downstairs while Star unpacked.
"Marco," asked Star.
"Yeah," said Marco.
"Are you coming upstairs?" asked Star.
"Yeah," said Marco as he got up from the seat.
"Okay," said Star as she ran upstairs.
"Star," said Marco as he chased after her.
Then Star hid in Marco's room behind his bed. Marco then entered and didn't see nobody. He then left his room and went to Star's. Then he came back and sat on his bed.
"She is really hard to find" said Marco.
"But I love her so much that I know where she would be." said Marco as he got up and pulled his bed forward.
Star then jumped on him and he catches her.
"Found you" said Marco.
"Yeah you did" said Star as she wrapped her hands on Marco's neck. Then they both were starting into each other's eyes.
"You have pretty eyes" said Marco.
Star then blushed. Then they both leaned in and kissed.

.....Time Skip....

Marco and Star went downstairs. Star then sat at the table to eat dinner while Marco went to the garage. Star then went to the garage and saw Marco looking at his motorcycle.
"Marco you okay" asked Star.
"Yeah I am just remembering the first time I brought it. I went with you to buy it and then we rode a bridge that had the sunset." said Marco.
"I remember. It was so romantic." said Star.
"Yeah" said Marco.
"Well are you coming to eat dinner" asked Star.
"Well I have to go somewhere but I will be right back" said Marco.
"Where" asked Star.
"Umm Star it's a secret I would love to tell you but I can't" said Marco.
"It's okay but you better not be meeting up with a girl behind my back" said Star.
"Are you jealous" said Marco.
"No I don't want anything to go bad. I hate secrets" said Star.
"Well I won't be with a girl I will be with one adult that is a male" said Marco.
"Okay be back soon" said Star as she kissed Marco's cheek.

......Time Skip.......

Marco's POV
I was riding the motorcycle to the hotel. I went to the front desk.
"Excuse me I am here to make a reservation."
"For how many days and how many people" said the man at the front desk.
"For two"
"Okay so you would like a room with a king size bed" asked the man.
"Yeah exactly and if I can reserve the activity room that would be awesome"
"What activity will it be" asked the man.
"A wedding"
"Okay what day sir" said the man.
" umm... In a month if possible"
" Yes that is possible. Okay we will see you again. What name will be in the reservation" asked the man.
" Marco Diaz"
" Okay Mr. Diaz we will see you soon. Have a nice day" said the man.
Then I left out the door and went on my motorcycle. Then as I was almost at my house I felt a sudden impact and I was flying threw the air. All I thought about in that moment was that I was gonna die and I was gonna leave Star.

Then everything went dark.....

Authors Note
Cliffhanger sorry but I like the idea that something bad happens to Marco by @
Thank you all for your feed back and I might continue using your ideas.

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