Chapter 5: Valentine's Day

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Third Person's POV

Star woke up early to go visit Marco in his room. She went to his bed and sat next to him. He woke up.

"What is Valentines Day, Marco?" asked Star.

" It is a day you show the special person you like appreciation and give them gifts." said Marco.

"I am sorry Marco I didn't get you anything" said Star in a sad emotion.

"It's okay Star you don't have to get me anything you just have to care for me more than any other day." said Marco making Star feel better.

Then Star pulled him into a deep feeling kiss. He felt the pain leaving his body. He felt like they were the only two people around. Then she slowly let go and separated from him.

"Is that a good Valentine's Day gift" asked Star.

"Definitely" said Marco.

......Time Skip.......

Marco didn't need the crutches anymore. We went to school were in the afternoon they had a Valentine's Day Dance.

Marco's POV

I wanted to ask Star to the dance but we both decided in the beginning to not be a couple at school. I really want Star to enjoy her first Valentine's Day with me.

Third Person's POV

Star was pushed by Marco into the janitors closet.

" Do you want to show people we are a couple in the dance?" asked Marco.

She agreed to it.

" Would you want to go to the Valentines Dance with me?" asked Marco.

"Yes, I would love to go with you". said Star in excitement jumping up and down.

Then they waited till the cost was clear and went to there regular morning classes.

........Time Skip........

It was the afternoon and Marco had already brought a suit. Star had gone with Marco's mom to shop for a dress. Then in the afternoon Marco waited down stairs for Star to come down. When she came down she was wearing the gold necklace that had her name on it a long blue sparkly dress that was soft. Marco's jaw dropped as to how beautiful she looked.

"What is there something wrong with it? I still have time to change." said Star in the most cutest way.

"No you just look beautiful" said Marco.

"You say that everyday" said Star.

"This time you look more beautiful than the sun that lights the day and the moon that shines the dark." said Marco.

Star blushed with emotion. As she came down the stairs. Marco accompanied her to the car where his parents where driving toward the school.

Marco's POV

She looked even beautiful in a long dress. She was shining bright with her dress. I think she looked like a star that brighten my heart and made me think of why I liked her so much. Not because she was my best friend that cared for me in different ways because she made me happy even when I was injured.

Third Person's POV

As they arrived at the school everybody stared at Star. When they saw Marco holding her hand and taking her inside, people began whispering. They acted like they were the only two people on the dance floor. Star rested her head on Marco's shoulder while they danced. It was so romantic that everybody stared, but they didn't notice they acted like nobody was there staring.

.........Time Skip.......

Then Marco dragged Star outside after the party had finished. Star didn't see Mr. and Mrs. Diaz anywhere.

"Where are your parents Marco?" asked Star.

"They are not gonna pick us up." replied Marco.

"What why not?" asked Star.

" Because I have other plans for tonight." said Marco.

As a limousine pulled over next to them. Then Marco opened the door for Star. Then she got in the limousine and it drove off.

Marco then asked Star " Are you having fun on your first Valentine's Day"

"Yes Marco" replied Star.

As they snuggled together in the limousine. Star laid her head on Marco's shoulder. Then she feel asleep.

........Time Skip.......

Then they arrived at there house. Marco carried Star out of the limousine bridal style to her room and tucked her in and wished her a goodnight. She then, before he kissed her in the forehead, kissed him in the mouth. They stayed kissing for a few minutes until she gently let go and told him goodnight. He then went to his room and started thinking of the future.

Marco's POV

I love her so much
One day I will ask her to marry me and if she says yes I will cheer in excitement. She would be my beautiful bride. One day I will ask her.

Star's POV

He is the best he tucks me in every night ,when he can, and wishes me a goodnight. I wish he would do that forever. I love him a lot.

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