Chapter 9: Problem

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Marco woke up and saw Star sleeping. He realized it was Saturday and they were sleeping in school. So he started packing there stuff. Marco's Dad was waiting outside for them. Star was still asleep. So Marco grabbed her bridal style and placed her in the car. Then they went home. Marco placed Star in her room and put down the stuff from the car. He then sat down next to Star. He was so tired of working that he fell asleep next to her. Mrs. Diaz saw Marco and Star sleeping next to each other and went downstairs.

Mrs. Diaz POV
Could my boy be growing up. Has he found the girl he loves? I am so happy for him. Even if He gets married he will still be me Hijo that I love a lot. I will accept Star. I love her and him so much.

Reader's POV

Star woke up to see herself in her room sleeping next to Marco.
"Marco" she whispered.
"Yes Star" said Marco waking up.
"How did I get here?" asked Star.
"My dad picked us up this morning and I carried you to your room." said Marco.
"Ohh Okay." said Star.
" Marco? " asked Star.
"Yea Star" said Marco.
"Will you do me a favor"said Star.
"Anything" said Marco.
"Will you go meet my parents." asked Star.
"Yes"said Marco.
"Than lets go"said Star as she got up.
"WAIT NOW" said Marco.
"Yes now why not the day is still early." said Star looking for clothes to were.
"I will go change and ask my parents." said Marco.
"Okay"said Star.

.......Time Skip.......

"Ready?" asked Star.
"Yes" Marco said nervously.
Star used her dimensional scissors and went to Meuni to see her parents. Marco was holding Star's hand before they jumped in. When they got to Meuni, Marco was nervous to see Star's parents. Star introduced Marco to the king and queen. The king was delighted to see Marco. The queen did not like Marco.
"Excuse me Star can I go talk to your Dad in private" asked Marco.
"Yes you may" said Star.
Marco walked with the king and Star went with her mom to another room.
"King I wanted to talk to you separately away from Star because I would like your permission to marry Star in the future." said Marco.
The King stopped walking and stood there then he went towards Marco and gave him a big hug and told him that he would love to have him as a son-in-law. Marco was relieved to hear those words and hugged the king back.
"The one it is gonna be hard to convince is the queen,but you don't need her permission,but you should still ask her. Even if she denies it still ask Star." Said the king with a smile. he then stopped hugging Marco. Then the king and Marco met up with Star and her Mother. Star hugged Marco. He hugged her back.
"Star can I talk to your mom" asked Marco.
"Sure" said Star.
Marco accompanied the Queen. Then when they were very far away from Star.
"Excuse me I know you don't know me well, but I wanted to ask you if I can marry your daughter. She is the world to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with her." said Marco.
"No you may not, marry my daughter!!!!" said the queen immediately.
" Please, the king told me to marry her without your permission, but I want you to both approve." said Marco.
"Fine, but you have to promise me that if she disagrees you will not ask her again" said the Queen.
"I promise" said Marco.
"If you break that promise you will be hanged I front of the town." said the Queen.
"Okay, I understand" said Marco.
Then they met up with Star and the king and were invited to lunch with them.

.........Time Skip........

Star was in her old room in the castle and Marco was with her.
"What did you talk about with my parents." asked Star.
"It was a question I had for both of them" said Marco.
"What question" asked Star.
"Star I know I tried this before,but please listen, Will you Marry Me? Asked Marco.
Then suddenly before she said anything guards came in and took Marco. They presented him to the queen.
"You broke a royal promise" said the Queen.
"No I didn't" said Marco nervously.
"Really" said the Queen.
The queen put a presentation of when Marco asked Star on Christmas and she denied. Then she put when he asked her today.
"You said if she said no you wouldn't ask her again." said the Queen.
"I'm sorry I just love her to much. I can't be with out her. She protects me and I protect her." said Marco. Then Star walked in. The Queen told the guards to put him in the center of town.
"MOTHER!!!! WHAT are you DOING to Marco!!!!" said Star.
"He broke a royal promise" exclaimed the Queen.
"He must be hanged for what he did" said the Queen.
"Noooooo Mother!!! Please" said Star on her knees.
"To late Star." said the Queen.

.......Time Skip.....

The Queen was in the center of town and they had Marco tied to a rope on a very high place. Star came running out of the castle. She then grabbed her wand and removed the rope Marko had on his neck. Then she climbed up towards Marco.
"I will marry you Marco." said Star.
Marco looked at her and then hugged her.
"I love you Marco. I love you like if my mother would have killed you I would have to kill myself to. I love you too much to lose you. said Star with tears in her eyes.
"I love you Star. I will never leave you alone in this world or any. I love you so much. Even if your mother would have killed me I would have revived for you. Still don't know how, but I would have.
Then they kissed. Everybody in the town applauded.
"Marco?" asked Star.
"Yeah" said Marco.
"Let's go home. I am tired." said Star.
She used her dimensional scissors and appeared at her room he then tucked her in and wished her a goodnight.
"Marco" asked Star.
"Yeah" said Marco.
"We're not getting Married so fast right." asked Star.
"When ever you want Star." said Marco as he left.

Author's Note
Don't stop reading. More updates are coming, it doesn't finish there. Keep Reading.

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