Chapter 10: The Day After

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Marco's POV
She said YES!!! I can't believe it. I am so relieved her mom didn't kill me. She is the best.
What are we gonna do?
Is she gonna marry me fast or slow?
When will I tell my parents?
Will her mother still try to kill me?
This is so complicated.

Reader's POV
Marco went to Star's room. He then sat next to her. Star woke up and saw Marco looking at her.
"What is it Marco?" asked Star.
"Nothing" said Marco.
"Star?"asked Marco.
"Yeah" said Star.
"When do we tell my parents?" asked Marco.
"When ever you want hunny."said Star.
Marco blushed in hearing the word hunny. He had forgotten.
"Star?" asked Marco.
"Yeah" said Star.
"You said Yes, Why?" asked Marco.
"Because I love you and I want to spend my life with you. I don't want you to die and me never saying yes. I love you too much for that to happen." said Star.
"I won't leave anywhere" said Marco as he hugged Star. Then suddenly Star's mom was calling on the mirror that they communicate threw. Star answered.
"Hi mom" said Star.
"Hi Star can I talk to Marco?" asked the Queen.
"Yes." said Star.
Marco then walked up to the mirror and looked at the queen. Marco seemed nervous so Star was hugging him the whole time and placed her head on his shoulder.
"I am sorry Marco for trying to kill you." said the Queen.
"It is fine. I am fine. It was my fault for breaking the promise." said Marco holding Star's hands as they were around his waist.
"Please come to Meuni again I am sorry about what happen." said the Queen.
"We can't today. We have school, but maybe next Saturday we will go." said Marco.
"Okay" said the queen.
Then the mirror turned off and Marco so him with Star. Then Star kissed him in the cheek. He then turned around.
"Star we are not gonna say nothing that we are engaged in school got it." said Marco.
She then moved her head up and down and agreed. Star and Marco got ready for school, but before leaving they told Mr. and Mrs. Diaz to sit down on the couch.
"Marco and I are engaged" said Star to both of them as her and Marco were holding hands.
"WHAT aren't you to young for that" said Mrs. Diaz while Mr. Diaz got up and hugged Star.
"My new daughter- in-law." said Mr. Diaz.
Mrs. Diaz just stared at him hugging Star.
"Marco you picked a good one. I have good vibes about her."
Star blushed and hugged Mr.Diaz back.
"Mom please accept. I love her with all my heart. She is my Star." said Marco.
"I accept, but don't get married so soon at least wait until after graduation." said Mrs. Diaz.
"We Will" said Star and Marco.
Then they both went to school.

.......Time Skip........

Star and I were eating lunch together. When Star realized she was wearing the ring so she put it away and prayed that nobody had seen it.

......Time Skip.......

Marco and Star were walking to there home when Jackie and Oscar pushed them to the floor. Marco and Star turned around. When they saw Jackie and Oscar they hold there hands together.
"Look who is on the floor and look who is looking up" said Oscar.
Star looked frighten and so did Marco, but they both wanted to protect each other. Marco moved in front of Star and covered her.
"Don't hurt her" said Marco.
"Wait are you engaged?" asked Jackie as she looked at both of them.
"No!!" answered Star and Marco.
"Yes you are! Look at the ring." said Oscar.
Then Marco looked at his hand and Star's and they both had rings on because they were heading home so they put them on. Marco then got up and Star did to behind him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and he felt protected.
Oscar then punch Marco in the face and gave him a black eye. Star then kissed him in the cheek.
"Now it's my turn" said Star.
Then Star kicked Jackie and Oscar. They both fell down. Then she gave Oscar a black eye.
"Don't mess with us ever again." said Star.
Then she took Marco to the nurses office in the school. She then gave Marco a cold ice pack. Star hold it on his eye.
"Are you okay?" asked Star.
"Yes but it hurts" said Marco.
Then he grabbed the ice pack and put it down. He then hugged Star.
"Thank you Star for protecting me back there." said Marco.
"You protected me first" said Star.
Then Marco went with Star to his house. Then they avoided his parents and she took him to his room. She then placed the ice on his eye and tucked him in. She then kissed him in the cheek.
"Star?" asked Marco.
"Yeah" said Star.
"You know why I protected you first?" asked Marco.
"Because you love me?" guessed Star.
"Not this time. You were really scared because you gripped my arm tighter. Even if I was scarred I didn't want them hurting you. Your to beautiful. Your my love. Your my Star. said Marco.
" Your my Marco" said Star.

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