Chapter 33: Uhh?!??!

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Star's POV
I woke up and realized I was in the hospital on the floor. I check my watch and it was 8:00am. I looked up and saw Marco with his eyes open just staring. I got up and sat on his bed. Then Helen came in.
" Oh I see your awake Star" said Helen as she brought a tray with food on it.
" What is that for?"
" That is for Marco, but I am not sure he will eat it." said Helen.
" Why do you say that" I asked looking at her with a confused face.
" Because he only has moved his hand. It would be a miracle if he moved his mouth." said Helen putting the tray in front of Marco's bed.
" If you want you can try to give it to him" said Helen pointing to the food.
" I will try."
Then I got up and grabbed a spoon full of mash potatoes. I pointed it to Marco but he didn't do nothing just blink.
" Try talking to him. Maybe then he will eat it." said Helen.
" Okay. Marco I know you can hear me but can't see me, buts it's Star. I want you to listen to my voice. Can you please eat a spoon of mash potatoes. Please try" I said as a tear fell down my eye and I looked down.
Then Marco lift his hand a wiped my tear away. I looked up and saw Marco opening his mouth slowly. I then gave him the spoon and he chewed a little and then swallowed.
" Great job Star at this rate he will be out of here in no time" said Helen looking at me with excitement.
" Do I feed him more?"
" No I think he has done a lot of work for today" said Helen grabbing the spoon and plate with food and leaving.
Then I sat back next to Marco and snuggled into his chest.
"I love you Star" whispered Marco.
This time I looked at him. He wasn't repeating the words. He just kept staring at me.
" Nurse Helen" I called out.
" Star what is it" she said running in to see me on his bed.
" He said I love you Star but he isn't repeating it" said Star pointing to Marco.
Then Helen checked Marco's monitor and looked at Marco. She had a worried expression.
" What is it" I asked impatiently.
" He he is a wake" shuddered Helen.
" What"
Then I turned around and saw Marco blinking his eyes several times.
"Uhh?!?!?" Marco said.
" Marco" I asked nearly about to cry.
" What happened? Where am I?" asked Marco.
" Your at the hospital. You were in an accident"
" Where are my parents?" asked Marco.
" There in the waiting room"
Then Helen grabbed my arm and dragged me outside.
" What is it"
" He isn't suppose to be awake. He could have major brain damage. He was suppose to wake up next week" said Helen surprised.
" What do you mean by major brain damage?"
" He could not remember everything" said Helen.
" Okay. I will ask him what he remembers"
Then I walked back in with Helen behind me.
" Marco what do you remember"
" I remember you" said Marco.
" Anything else" I asked.
" I remember Emily and Brian" said Marco.
" What is Star to you" asked Helen.
" Star is my best friend. She is the world to me" said Marco looking at me.
" Anything else about her" asked Helen.
" I don't remember it is all just a blur" said Marco touching his head.
The words he said made my heart hurt a lot. How could he not remember he asked me to marry him and that were engaged. How could he forget me as more than a friend. It was like these past years were nothing. Then tears started flowing down my eyes and I fell to the floor landing on my knees.
" Star!" said Marco.

Then I felt sick......

Authors Note
This is yet another cliffhanger. Anyway what do you think happened to Star?
Will Marco remember there more than just friends?
Will he remember the future he planned for them or will he have to do it all over again?

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