Chapter 6:Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

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Third Person's POV

Marco woke up and when to Star room to wake her up like he does everyday. He stood in front of her and he kissed her in the forehead.

"Good Morning" said Marco.

"Good morning my sweet boyfriend" said Star while waking up.

Marco blushed.

"I love you Star so much." said Marco

"I love you too Marco." said Star as she leaned in to kiss him.

......Time Skip.......

As Star ate Breakfast with Marco, Marco asked Star, "Do you later want to go to the mall."

"Yes" said Star.

.......Time Skip.......

As Marco and Star went to the mall.

" We need to separate now" said Marco.

"Why?" asked Star.

"I need to buy something for someone for Christmas." said Marco nervously.

"Okay." said Star.

Star went to a store were she got Marco a magical sword when she cut a portal to Quest Buy.

........Time Skip.....

Marco met up with Star at the entrance to the mall with no present.

" I thought you were going to buy something?" asked Star.

" I couldn't find anything." said Marco nervously.

" Are you sure your not lying to me?" said Star questioning Marco's respond.

"Star I would never lie." said Marco sweeting.

"Okay" said Star looking at him carefully.

.......Time Skip......

Marco's mom had prepared dinner then suddenly they heard a noise at the front lawn. It was Ludo sneaking in trying to attack Star while she was distracted. Star then attacked with a Narwal Blast and Marco used some Karate moves. Then Ludo's and his forces of evil were all hurt and went threw the Portal to plan how to get Star's wand.

After Star and Marco battled they went to bed as Marco tucked Star wishing her a good night.

"Goodnight Marco" said Star.

"Goodnight" said Marco.

As Marco left the room she then grabbed his Magical Sword and wrapped it with Christmas wrapping paper. As Star did this Marco was putting Star's Christmas present in a box.

Marco's POV

I hope she likes her Christmas present. I hope she agrees that it is a good one and that she loves it. Please Please Please say .......

Marco then fell asleep.

Star's POV

He is gonna love the sword then he can have a sword to fight monsters and I have my wand. We will be fighting side by side even when Ludo and his forces of Evil attack and if he ever comes back. I hope he doesn't.

Then Star fell asleep.

........Time Skip.....

Third Person's POV

As Star woke up, before Marco, feeling excited about giving him his present. It was 3:00am and Star went to Marco's room as she saw he had a box on his bed she then poked Marco. Marco was waking up.

" Hi Marco, come on WAKE UP its CHRISTMAS DAY!" said Star cheerfully.

" It's 3 in the morning Star go back to sleep." said Marco feeling tired.

" Please come downstairs and open your Christmas present." said Star with a sad puppy dog face.

"Fine wait until I change." said Marco getting up.

As he got up he dropped the box on the floor without noticing.
Star then went outside and waited downstairs.

..........Time Skip.......

When Marco came out of his room dressed he saw Star holding a very long object wrapped in Christmas paper. He then went down.

"Is that for me?" asked Marco.

"Yes you silly." said Star.

Marco then unwrapped his present and saw a sword.

"How did you get this Star?" asked Marco.

"I got it at Quest Buy. It is a magical sword." said Star with excitement.

"I love it thank you." said Marco.

As Marco waved the sword around wondering what kinda magic could it do. Then Marco gave Star a big hug. Then Star kissed Marco in the cheek. Marco kept hugging her. Then suddenly Star heard a noise in the front part of the house. As she went there she saw Tom standing with a demon army and told Star

"You will be my bride Star and then I will be king of two kingdoms."

"In your dreams Tom I will never marry you." said Star angry.

" I know you won't marry me for me, but you will marry me if I take Marco and threatens to kill him. DEMONS, Take MARCO." said Tom in a fierce way.

As the demons went in stool Marco from Star's arms and pointed pitch forks at him.

"Now will you marry me, Star?" asked Tom.

"If you let him go and leave him in peace." said Star worried and scared.

"I will if you marry me." said Tom.

"Then yes." said Star.

"NOOOOOO Star don't do it." said Marco.

"I won't let anything bad happen to you Marco because I love you and I don't want them to hurt you." said Star with tears spilling out her eyes.

"You don't have to do this." said Marco.

"Yes I do." said Star.

Star flew up and then went with Tom.
They all went to another dimension were Tom had prepared a wedding for the both of them. Then Tom told Star to put on the wedding dress that was in the other room as Marco accompanied her. As she went to the other room Marco followed her and then hugged her in the room. As he felt her tears dripping on his clothes, he hugged her tighter.

"Why are you going to marry him Star?" asked Marco.

" Because I have to." said Star.

Marco then lifted her head, wiped the tears off her face and gave her a short kiss.

" You don't need to do this. I can protect myself Star." said Marco.

" All those times you got hurt because of me, I blamed myself for it and now I won't be the one that made you get hurt. I will be the one that protected you from something bad happening to you." said Star.

" Star"


" I never gave your Christmas present" said Marco trying to cheer her up.

" What was it" said Star

" I can't tell you , but you know what, I can use the present you gave me now." Marco said.

Then Marco took out his sword and stabbed Tom while Star battled all the other demons. They both got away with dimensional scissors. Then Star waited down stairs for Marco to get her present. Then he came down stairs. He got down on one knee.

"Will you marry me Star?" asked Marco nervously.

Author's Note
Sorry for leaving you in a cliff hanger.
Please Comment and tell me if she is gonna say yes or no.

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